Статьи 2017 года (A...H)

Abbott R., Hadzikadic M. (2017). Complex Adaptive Systems, Systems Thinking, and Agent-Based Modeling. In Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications (pp. 1-8). Springer International Publishing.

Abdelmegid Mohammed Adel, Gonzalez Vicente A., Naraghi Ashkan M., O’Sullivan Michael, Walker Cameron G., Poshdar Mani. Towards a conceptual modeling framework for construction simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 2372-2383.
We propose a domain-specific conceptual modeling framework for construction application. This framework will be formulated to suit the complex environment of construction projects.

Abohamad Waleed, Ramy Ahmed, Arisha Amr. A hybrid process-mining approach for simulation modeling // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1527-1538.
This paper presents a hybrid Modeling and Simulation framework to address business process challenges.

Achter Sebastian, Lorscheid Iris, Hauke Jonas, Meyer Matthias, Meyer-Riehl David, Ponsignon Thomas, Sun Can, Ehm Hans. On agent-based modeling in semiconductor supply chain planning // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3507-3518.
Our paper argues for an agent-based approach to understand and improve supply chain planning processes using an industry example. We give an overview of current work and elaborate on the need for integrating human behavior into the models. Overall, we conclude that agent-based simulation is a valuable method to identify favorable and unfavorable conditions for successful planning.

Adduri Abhinav, Schruben Lee. The Tao of simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 607-616.
This paper introduces an open-source, cross-platform object called Tao to the simulation community for teaching and research. Tao is simple enough to begin using within minutes, but is extensible and interoperable with powerful statistical, graphical, animation, and simulation software, as well as internet-of-things hardware.

Ahmed Kishwar, Liu Jason, Badawy Abdel-Hameed, Eidenbenz Stephan. A brief history of HPC simulation and future challenges // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 419-430.
This paper recounts some of the influential work in modeling and simulation for High-performance Computing (HPC) systems and applications, identifies some of the major challenges, and outlines future research directions which we believe are critical to the HPC modeling and simulation community.

Akbulut Akin, Abke Stephan, Laroque Christoph. Automated model verification using an equivalence test on a reference model // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4187-4196.
In this article, a cross-tooling method for automated model verification is presented using a reference model. Furthermore, the method is implemented in teaching, using a web platform. The method bases on Yucesan and Schruben (1992), demonstrating a procedure for the examination of a structural and behavioral equivalence of two simulation models based on Simulation Graph models.

Akcay Alp, Martagan Tugce. Simulation-based production planning for engineer-to-order systems with random yield // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3275-3286.
We consider an engineer-to-order production system with unknown yield. We model the yield as a random variable which represents the percentage output obtained from one unit of production quantity. We develop a beta-regression model in which the mean value of the yield depends on the unique attributes of the engineer-to-order product.

Akopov A.S., Beklaryan L.A., Saghatelyan A.K. Agent-based modelling forecological economics: A case study of the Republic of Armenia // Ecological Modelling. 2017. Vol. 346. P. 99-118.

Albey Erinc, Yanıkoglu Ihsan, Uzsoy Reha. Load dependent lead time modelling: a robust optimization approach // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3531-3542.
This paper compares the performance of a production planning model using a multi-dimensional CF and its robust counterpart under several experimental settings. As expected, as the level of uncertainty is increased, the resulting production plan deviates from the optimal solution of the deterministic model.

Alexopoulos Christos, Joines Jeffrey A., Kuhl Michael E. History of the Winter Simulation Conference: modern period (2008–2017) // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.100-114.
In this paper we review the history of the Winter Simulation Conference during 2008–2017, a period characterized by financial stability, continued growth, and inroads into the new age of simulation. In particular, we trace the modernization of the Conference as well as its expansion outside of the United States for the first time.

Alexopoulos Christos, Kelton W. David. A concise history of simulation output analysis // // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.115-130.
This paper offers a concise history of simulation output statistical analysis during the last six decades. Given the space limitations and historical perspective, we focus on the creation of the main concepts and methodologies that shaped the area, and proceed with a brief description of their developmental stages. We direct most of our attention to mean and quantile estimation, especially for steady-state simulations, since the bulk of the literature has been in this area.

Alzaeemi S.A.S., Sathasivam S., Adebayo S.A. (2017). Analysis of Performance of Various Activation Functions for doing the logic programming in Hopfield Network // International Journal of Computational Bioinformatics and In Silico Modeling, 6(2), pp. 911-921.

Anderson J. H., Downs J. A., Loraamm R., Reader S. (2017). Agent-based simulation of Muscovy duck movements using observed habitat transition and distance frequencies. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61, 49-55.

Aqlan Faisal, Ramakrishnan Sreekanth, Shamsan Abdulrahman. Integrating data analytics and simulation for defect management in manufacturing environments // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3940-3951.
This study integrates data analytics and simulation modeling to develop a system for defect management in manufacturing environments. Simulation is used to analyze the behavior of the system whereas data analytics is used to develop prediction models for defect resolution.

Aqlan Faisal, Ramakrishnan Sreekanth, Al-Fandi Lawrence, Saha Chanchal. A framework for selecting and evaluating process improvement projects using simulation and optimization techniques // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3840-3851.
In this study, we develop an optimization model to select process improvement projects taking into consideration resource availability, required skills, and budget constraints. In addition, discrete event simulation models are developed to evaluate some of the selected projects. Results can be used to enhance the decisions on selecting process improvement projects.

Babu Vignesh, Kumar Rakesh, Nguyen Hoang Hai, Nicol David M., Palani Kartik, Reed Elizabeth. Melody: synthesized datasets for evaluating intrusion detection systems for the smart grid // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1061-1072.
As smart grid systems become increasingly reliant on networks of control devices, attacks on their inherent security vulnerabilities could lead to catastrophic system failures. Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) detect such attacks by learning traffic patterns and finding anomalies in them. However, availability of data for robust training and evaluation of NIDS is rare due to associated operational and security risks of sharing such data. Consequently, we present Melody, a scalable framework for synthesizing such datasets.

Ballet P., Riviere J., Pothet A., Theron M., Pichavant K., Abautret F., ... & Rodin V. (2017). Modelling and Simulating Complex Systems in Biology: Introducing NetBioDyn–A Pedagogical and Intuitive Agent-Based Software. In Multi-Agent-Based Simulations Applied to Biological and Environmental Systems (pp. 128-158). IGI Global.

Barat Souvik, Kulkarni Vinay, Clark Tony, Barn Balbir. An actor-model based bottom-up simulation - an experiment on indian demonetisation initiative // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 860-871.
This paper justifies our claims with an experimental setup relying on what-if analysis using an actor-based bottom up simulation approach.

Barker Melanie, Zupick Nancy. Revisiting the four c’s of managing a successful simulation project // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 580-587.
This paper aims to discuss four key elements imperative to conducting an effective simulation study and how they impact the progress of the study.

Barrera-Diaz Carlos A., Oscarsson Jan, Lidberg Simon, Sellgren Tommy. A study of discrete event simulation project data and provenance information management in an automotive manufacturing plant // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4012-4023.
This study presents an analysis of the management of simulation projects and their provenance data, according to the different types of scenarios usually found at a manufacturing plant. A survey based on simulation projects at an automotive manufacturing plant was conducted, in order to categorize the information regarding the studied projects, map the available provenance data and standardize its management. This study also introduces an approach that demonstrates how a structured framework based on the specific data involved in the different types of scenarios could allow an improvement of the management of Discrete Event Simulation projects.

Barrientos A.H., Andrade Y.D. (2017). Modelling and Simulation of Complex Adaptive System: The Diffusion of Socio-Environmental Innovation in the RENDRUS Network // In Cvetkovic, D (Ed.) Computer Simulation. InTech.

Barring Maja, Nafors Daniel, Henriksen Daniel, Olsson David, Johansson Bjorn, Larsson Ulrika. A VSM approach to support data collection for a simulation model // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3928-3939.
For this study, Value Stream Mapping has been selected as a complementary method for the data collection. The results of this study confirms that VSM can support in the data collection phase, but entails the support from subject matters.

Barros Fernando J. Towards a universal formalism for modeling & simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 750-761.
In this paper, we propose the Hybrid Flow System
Specification (HYFLOW) as a unifying representation for different families of numerical integrators for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs). HYFLOW combines the conventional discrete event approach with a novel representation based on sampling and the support for dense outputs to describe modular and hierarchical hybrid systems. We demonstrate that HYFLOW can describe 1st-order, geometric (2nd-order), and exponential integrators.

Barton Russell R., Joines Jeffrey A., Morrice Douglas J. History of the Winter Simulation Conference: period of growth, consolidation, and innovation (1993-2007) // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.87-99.
In this paper, we consider the history of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) from 1993–2007, a period characterized by growth, consolidation, and innovation. We examine developments in the WSC program including rapid proliferation of new tracks and mini-tracks to match the interests of WSC attendees.

Barton Russell, Nakayama Marvin K., Schruben Lee. History of improving statistical efficiency // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.158-180.
Statistical efficiency has been a focus of research since the inception of discrete-event simulation modeling and analysis, with origins perhaps twenty years before the first Winter Simulation Conference. We review important work in the design of simulation experiments, variance reduction through dependence structures, and efficient rare-event simulation. The focus is on the early developments, although some recent innovations also receive mention.

Bartos Bradley J., Mioduszewski Michelle, Renner Matthew, McCleary Richard. An application of discrete event simulation for planning and resource allocation in a state hospital system servicing both criminal and civil commitments // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4456-4458.

Basan Natalia P., Achkar Victoria G., Mendez Carlos A., Garcia-del-Valle Alejandro. A heuristic simulation-based framework to improve the scheduling of blocks assembly and the production process in shipbuilding // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3218-322.
This paper introduces a heuristic simulation-based approach to address the scheduling problem for shipbuilding in a real-world multi-stage production system. The main goal is to minimize the total production and assembly time of the shipbuilding process (makespan) applying different types of heuristic rules in an advanced simulation framework. The proposed simulation model allows evaluation of the effective production of a large number of blocks and sub-blocks, while satisfying a large set of hard constraints.

Batata Oussama, Augusto Vincent, Ebrahimi Setareh, Xie Xiaolan. Performance evaluation of respite care services through multi-agent based simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 2905-2916.
In this article, we propose (i) a new model of caregivers’ burnout evolution based on Markov chain and machine learning to model health state evolution, and (ii) a multi-agent based simulation approach to describe the burnout evolution of caregivers and the impact of respite structures on the system. Results show a positive impact of respite services on both quality of service and costs.

Belete G.F., Voinov A., Morales J. (2017). Environmental Modelling & Software. Volume 94, pp. 112–126.

Bell David. Exploring personal data futures trading with design fiction based hybrid simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1692-1703.
Exploratory agent-based and system dynamics models emerge and are used to examine behavior, market dynamics and process flow within this fictional trading scenario.

Ben Cohen, Ad Ridder, Bart Mateman. A simulation tool for truck loading at fuel filling plants // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3102-3113.
This paper reports the application of the model to a lubricant filling plant for analyzing and supporting decision making on the assignment of trucks to bays, and on the availability of the lubricants on the fuel arms at the lading bays.

Ben-Salem Ali, Yugma Claude, Troncet Emmanuel, Pinaton Jacque. A simulation-based approach for an effective amhs design in a legacy semiconductor manufacturing facility // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3600-3611.
This paper addresses the design of an Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) for wafer lots in the photolithography workshop of a 200mm wafer manufacturing facility (fab) that was not initially built to have such a system. A simulation-based approach is proposed to evaluate different scenarios and propose an effective AMHS design. Experimental results based on real instances confirm the capability of the proposed AMHS design to support the workshop activity.

Bezzout H., Hsaini S., Azzouzi S., El Faylali H. (2017). Simulation of electromagnetic waves propagation in free space using Netlogo multi-agent approach // In Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications (p. 112). ACM.

Bicher Martin, Urach Christoph, Zauner Gunther, Rippinger Claire, Popper Nikolas. Calibration of a stochastic agent-based model for re-hospitalization numbers of psychiatric patients // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 2940-2951.
Calibration is a vital part of the modeling and simulation process and denotes the determination of parameter values by estimating them from comparison between simulation results with reference data. Especially for stochastic simulation models these routines very often require thousands of iterative simulation executions which, in case of large agent-based models, might be too time intensive. In this paper, we illustrate a real-world example for such a problem and present a solution for it based on probability theory.

Biller Bahar, Biller Stephan R., Dulgeroglu Onur, Corlu Canan G.The role of learning on industrial simulation design and analysis // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3287-3298.
This article discusses the role of learning in simulation design and analysis motivated by the needs of industrial problems and describes how selected tools of statistical learning can be utilized for this purpose.

Binmad R., Li M. (2017). Improving the Efficiency of an Online Marketplace by Incorporating Forgiveness Mechanism. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 17(1), 9.

Blas Maria Julia, Gonnet Silvio, Leone Horacio. Routing structure over discrete event system specification: a DEVS adaptation to develop smart routing in simulation models
// Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 774-785.

This paper presents a new simulation formalism called Routed DEVS in which routing information is used to manage directed events.

Boer Csaba A., Saanen Yvo A. Using simulation and emulation throughout the life cycle of a container terminal // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3126-3137.
In this paper the reader is guided through the maturity process of the container terminal, presenting the simulation and emulation approaches and tools applied to support each life stage.

Bogatzky N. (2017). A «gung-ho» Approach Towards Sophic Economy // Economic Alternatives, (1), pp. 160-186.

Bohm T., Beck K., Knaak A., Jager B. Efficient maintenance strategy through system dynamics. Computers in Railways XI (2008): Web. 7 Feb. 2017, pp. 755–764.

Bouanan Youssef, Zerguini Seghir, Gaussier Nathalie. Modeling and simulating households and firms location choice using agent-based models: application to the urban area of Bordeaux // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1121-1132.
This article aims to respond to growing concerns about sustainable urbanization, which in recent years have generated a need for prospective assessment in the field of transport and land-use planning, by predicting future land-use development.

Bowman R.Alan, Ashman Thomas, Lambrinos James. Warriors or bulls: introducing retroactive gambling line simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 837-848.
Gambling lines provide a rich source of data for Monte Carlo simulations of sports seasons. Since data for complete seasons are available after the seasons are completed, we refer to such simulations as retroactive gambling line simulations. We use the motivating and expository example of comparing the performances of the 2015-16 Golden State Warriors (who won a record 73 games) and the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls (who held the previous record of 72 wins) and provide a detailed treatment of this application.

Brailsford Sally C., Carter Michael W., Jacobson Sheldon H. Five decades of healthcare simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.365-384.
In this paper we have not attempted to produce any kind of systematic review of simulation in healthcare to compete with the dozen (at least) excellent and comprehensive survey papers on this topic that already exist. We begin with a glance back at the early days of Wintersim, but then proceed, in line with the theme of this special track, to reflect on general developments in healthcare simulation over the years from our own personal perspectives.

Brito Thiago Barros, Botter Rui Carlos. A cross-paradigm simulation framework for complex logistics systems // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1607-1618.
This work proposes a methodology to combine discrete event simulation and System Dynamics paradigms on a logistics background. On the basis of knowledge induced from literature, a generic conceptual framework for hybrid simulation has been developed. The proposed framework is demonstrated using an explanatory case study comprising an user transportation mode choice.

Bruballa Eva, Wong Alvaro, Rexachs Dolores, Luque Emilio, Epelde Francisco. Scheduling model for non-critical patients admission into a hospital emergency department // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 2917-2928.
We propose a model for scheduling the entry of these non-critical patients into the Emergency Department which may be helpful for the management of the service dealing with the current growing demand for emergency medical care. Simulation is used to show and evaluate the effect of applying the proposed scheduling model.

Carely K., Dobson G. (2017). Cyber-FIT: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach to Simulating Cyber Warfare // Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, 10354. Springer, Cham.

Cayirci Erdal, Karapinar Hakan, Ozcakir Lutfu. Joint military space operations simulation as a service // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4129-4140.

Cebral-Fernández Mar, Rouco-Couzo Marcos, Pazos Marta Quiroga, Crespo-Pereira Diego, del Valle Alejandro García, Abeal Rafael Morgade. Application of a multi-level simulation model for aggregate and detailed planning in shipbuilding // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3864-3875.
In this study, an ongoing simulation-based model that minimizes the uncertainties of the shipbuilding process is presented. Using the Discrete Event Simulation software ExtendSim, three real case studies are presented for the model validation. The objective is to obtain a multi-level model that can be used not only at early stages of the project, when detailed specifications are yet unavailable, but also at later stages, when design is well advanced and extensive data become accessible.

Celik Bilge, Van Gorp Pieter M.E., Snoeck Andre C.J., van Riet Remi C., de Winter Peter J., Wilbik Anna. A model based simulation toolkit for evaluating renal replacement policies // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 2774-2785.
This paper describes a novel toolkit for evaluating renal replacement policies, containing a parametrized colored Petri-Net which can be configured for the specifics of local settings. The model is made available for open access to overcome the non-replicability issue of existing models.

Cervantes D., Flores D.L., Gutierrez E., Chacon M.A. (2017). Ce, Tb-Doped Y2SiO5 Phosphor Luminescence Emissions Modeling and Simulation. In Properties and Characterization of Modern Materials (pp. 145-156). Springer Singapore.

Chan C., Fu K. The “mutual ignoring” mechanism of cyberbalkanization: triangulating observational data analysis and agent-based modelling // Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 2018. Vol. 15, N 4. P. 378-387. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19331681.2018.1519480.

Chan Wai Kin Victor. Agent-based and regression models of social influence // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1395-1406.
This paper studies social influence (i.e., adoption of belief) using agent-based simulation and regression models. Each agent is modeled by a linear regression model. Agents interact with neighbors by exchanging social beliefs.

Chazova I.Y., Zhernakova Y.V., Blinova N.V., Rogoza A.N. The new angiotensin II receptor blocker Edarbi as part of the pathogenetic treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with metabolic disorders // Systemic Hypertension. 2017. V.14. No. 3. Article No. 3. doi: 10.26442/SG29582.

Chen Chun-Miin (Jimmy).Efficiency of non-compliance chargeback mechanisms in retail supply chains // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3404-3415.

Chen Di, Tan Gary S. H., Fagette Antoine, Chai Stephen. Simulating crowd motion using density estimation and optical flow // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1169-1180.
In this paper, a simulation framework that could approximate human displacements in a near real time manner is proposed. A framework based on OpenCV that reads video streams and runs real time simulation is implemented. As a result, amongst the crowd being tracked, we obtain near real time simulation with acceptable tracking accuracy. Lastly, this paper explains the limitation of the proposed framework.

Chen Weiwei, Melamed Benjamin, Teng Mingfei, Canaday Christopher. Modeling and simulation of Port-of-Entry systems // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4470-4472.
This paper describes a suite of simulation models for Port-of-Entry (POE) systems, dubbed POESS (POE Simulation System). POESS was developed with the support of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for use primarily by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.

Chen Yilin, Ponsignon Thomas, Weixlgartner Roland, Ehm Hans. Simulating recovery strategies to enhance the resilience of a semiconductor supply network // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4477-4478.

Cheng Russell. History of input modeling // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.181-201.
In stochastic simulation, input modeling refers to the process of identifying and selecting the probability distributions, called input models, from which are generated the random variates that are the source of the stochastic variation in the simulation model when it is run. This article reviews the history of the development and use of such models with the main focus on discrete-event simulation.

Chennupati Gopinath, Santhi Nandakishore, Eidenbenz Stephan, Thulasidasan Sunil. An analytical memory hierarchy model for performance prediction // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 908-919.
We present Analytical Memory Model (AMM), a model of cache memory hierarchy, embedded in the Performance Prediction Toolkit (PPT) – a suite of discrete-event-simulation-based codesign hardware and software models. AMM enables PPT to significantly improve the quality of its runtime predictions of scientific codes.

Cho Kang H., Chung Yong H., Choung You I., Park Sang C., Kim Byung H. Two boundary based dispatching rule for on-time delivery and throughput of wafer fabs with dedication constraints // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3555-3564.
Presented in this paper is a dispatching rule to achieve the on-time delivery and throughput for a semiconductor wafer fabrication with dedication constraint. To overcome the problem, we propose the two boundary based dispatching rule considering the dedication constraint. The simulation model based on MIMAC6 was developed to prove the performance of this proposed dispatching rule, and conducted a simulation by using MOZART. The simulation results clearly show the advantages of the proposed dispatching rule over the other dispatching rules.

Clark Robin, Clark William, Borg Bridget. Denali national park and preserve's transportation system: how a discrete event simulation model can enlighten complexity // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4456-4458.

Cox David Alan, Rossetti Manuel D. Simulation modeling of alternative staffing and task prioritization in manual post-distribution cross docking facilities // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3447-3458.
This paper compares a global staffing policy (in which all workers may perform any task) to a dedicated staffing policy (in which groups of workers are assigned specific tasks). Through comparisons of the two models, the results indicated that the dedicated worker model’s benefits from reduced change-over outweigh the lower worker utilization it experiences.

Deividi Moreira, Fernando Santos, Matheus Barbieri, Ingrid Nunes, Ana L. C. Bazzan. ABStractme: Modularized Environment Modeling in Agent-based Simulations.

de la Fuente D., Gomez A., Ponte B., Costas J. Agent-Based Prototyping for Business Management: An Example Based on the Newsvendor Problem.

De la Fuente Rodrigo, Smith III Raymond. Metamodeling a system dynamics model: a contemporary comparison of methods // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1926-1937.
This paper presents a contemporary comparison of methods useful for creating a metamodel of a simulation model. For comparison we explore the performance of a complex system dynamics model of a community hospital. In our view several characteristics of hospital operations present an interesting challenge to explore and compare the well-known competing methods.

de la Mota Idalia Flores, Perez Esther Segura, Garduno Alexander Vindel. Optimization and simulation of an ambulance location problem // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4525-4527.

de Paz Javier Lara, Flores Idalia, Policroniades Gabriel. Wealth distrbution simulation using a system dynamic flow model // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4495-4497.

Deuro Justin, Lynch Christopher J., Kavak Hamdi, Padilla Jose J. Incorporating sound in simulations // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4209-4219.
In this paper, we raise the questions: how could sound influence the usability of simulations? How could sound influence the learning of simulation creation? How could sound support processes like verification?

Doleschal Dirk, Schottler Elisa Sophie. Quality based scheduling for an example of semiconductor manufactory // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3733-3744.
In this paper a quality based scheduling approach will be presented which compares different methods like dispatching, MIP and CP, regarding different objectives. To test the different used methods a benchmark model of a semiconductor manufactory is build up.

Doud Kyle, Yilmaz Levent. A framework for formal automated analysis of simulation experiments using probabilistic model checking // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1312-1323.
By utilizing formal automated verification methods, we aim to improve the process of evaluating model assumptions against evidence, and to facilitate selection of new hypotheses to maximize information gain while reducing information processing requirements. To this end, to evaluate the results of a simulation experiment against expected regularities, a probabilistic model checking system is coupled with a Domain-Specific Language that expresses abstract finite state verification properties.

Dubovi I., Dagan E., Nasar L., Mazbar O.S., Levy S.T. (2017). Follow the Glucose Molecule: Learning Pharmacology by Exploring Multi-Scale Agent-Based Computer Models of Cellular Biochemical Processes and their Interactions Between Organs.

Dutordoir Vincent, Knudde Nicolas, van der Herten Joachim, Couckuyt Ivo, Dhaene Tom. Deep gaussian process metamodeling of sequentially sampled non-stationary response surfaces // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1728-1739.
We present the application of a novel kernel-based technique, known as Deep Gaussian Processes, which is better able to cope with these difficulties. We evaluate the method for non-stationary regression on a series of real-world problems, showing that it outperforms the standard Gaussian Processes with stationary kernels.

Elbattah Mahmoud, Molloy Owen. Learning about systems using machine learning: towards more data-driven feedback loops // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1539-1550.
Machine Learning (ML) has demonstrated great potentials for constructing new knowledge, or improving already established knowledge. Reflecting this trend, the paper lends support to the discussion of why and how should ML support the practice of modeling and simulation?

Elbert Ralf, Muller Jan Philipp. The impact of item weight on travel times in picker-to-parts order picking: an agent-based simulation approach // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3162-3173.

Elbert Ralf, Scharf Katrin, Reinhardt Daniel. Simulation of the order process in maritime hinterland transportation: the impact of order release times // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3471-3482.
This paper analyzes the impact of different order release times, which define the timing of order transmission, on order process efficiency (processing times and costs) using a multi-method simulation approach.

Estany Pau, Calvet Laura, Juan Angel A., Pau Fonseca i Casas.Using simulation to estimate evacuation times in large-size aircrafts: a case study with Simio // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3335-3345.
This paper presents a model to analyze realistic scenarios for the evacuation of the Airbus 380, which must be done in less than 90 seconds.

Evans Lee A., Bae Ki-Hwan G., Roy Arnab. Single and multi-objective parameter estimation of a military personnel system via simulation optimization // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4058-4069.
The aim of this study is to analyze human behavior and explore a method for model validation that captures the role of subordinate seniority in the evaluation process. This study includes simulation experiments that map black-box functions representing human behavior to simulation outputs. The results of the experiments demonstrate the utility of applying simulation optimization techniques to the model validation phase of simulation system design.

Fakhimi Masoud, Stergioulas Lampros K., Mustafee Navonil. Modelling for sustainable development using the triple-bottom line: methods, challenges and the need for hybrid M&S // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 632-643.
The tutorial explores such questions related to the methodological aspects of M&S for sustainable development analysis, and discusses the challenges for modeling such complex systems.

Falcone Alberto, Garro Alfredo, Anagnostou Anastasia, Taylor Simon J.E. An introduction to developing federations with the High Level Architecture (HLA) // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 617-631.
The tutorial guides developers through the necessary steps for defining and creating an HLA-based simulation, and explains how the HLA elements can be easily managed by using the Development Kit Framework’s services.

Fan S., Chen X., Sun Q. (2017). Emergent Research of Employee Safety Awareness Based on Multi-agent Model // International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 17(5), pp. 320-327.

Feldkamp Niclas, Bergmann Soeren, Strassburger Steffen, Schulze Thomas. Knowledge discovery and robustness analysis in manufacturing simulations // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3952-3963.

Feldkamp Niclas, Bergmann Soeren, Strassburger Steffen, Schulze Thomas, Akondi Praneeth, Lemessi Marco. Knowledge discovery in simulation data – a case study for a backhoe assembly line // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4456-4458.
In this work we applied our previously developed methodology of knowledge discovery in simulation da-ta onto an industrial case study for a backhoe loader manufacturing facility.

Filho Roberto S. Silva, Carroll Alexander K., Brooks James D. A distributed simulator platform for rapid industrial user experience prototyping // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1467-1478.
This paper describes the Distributed Industrial Simulation Platform (DISP), a simulation framework developed within GE that facilitates the rapid prototyping and evaluation of novel industrial UX systems. We present the DISP design and main services showing how it has been used in support of the development and simulation of two UX prototypes in the railroad transpor-tation domain.

Fishwick Paul A. Modeling as the practice of representation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4276-4287.

Framinan Jose M., Perez-Gonzalez Paz, Escudero Victor Fernandez-Viagas.The value of real-time data in stochastic flowshop scheduling: a simulation study for makespan // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3299-3310.
This paper presents an effort to assess how real-time data can be used to re-sequence jobs in a flowshop where processing times are stochastic and the objective is the minimisation of the makespan. By conducting extensive simulation experiments, we try to quantify the advantages of collecting real-time data on the actual completion times of jobs in the shop in order to re-sequence the jobs remaining to be processed.

Fraser Bradley, Hunjet Robert, Szabo Claudia. Simulating the effect of degraded wireless communications on emergent behavior // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4081-4092.
In this paper, we show through extensive experimental analysis that swarm intelligent algorithms are vulnerable to degraded communication. To show how communication is affected in a contested environment, we introduce a local interaction statistic metric to capture emergence. Our analysis using agent-based simulation characterizes the decay of inherent emergence and swarm efficiency with increasing data loss and delay.

Fu Michael C., Henderson Shane G. History of seeking better solutions, aka simulation optimization // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.131-157.
Simulation optimization – arguably the ultimate aim of most simulation users – has had a long and illustrious history closely tied with the 50 years of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). We touch upon the historical developments of the field, highlighting research progress and their interactions with WSC.

Fujimoto Richard M. Power consumption in parallel and distributed simulations // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 720-734.
The energy and power consumed by computing applications have long been important concerns in mobile systems and have recently become of great interest in high performance and cloud computing. To date, only a limited amount of work has considered power consumption in parallel and distributed simulation systems. A variety of options to reduce power consumption in these systems are discussed, suggestive of directions for future research in this increasingly important area.

Fujimoto Richard M., Bagrodia Rajive, Bryant Randal E., Chandy K. Mani, Jefferson David, Misra Jayadev, Nicol David, Unger Brian. Parallel discrete event simulation: the making of a field // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.262-291.
Originating in the 1970’s, the parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) field grew from a group of researchers focused on determining how to execute a discrete event simulation program on a parallel computer while still obtaining the same results as a sequential execution. Over the decades that followed the field expanded, grew, and flourishes to this day. This paper describes the origins and development of the field in the words of many who were deeply involved.

Gerrits Berry, Mes Martijn, Schuur Peter. An agent-based simulation model for autonomous trailer docking // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1324 -1335.
This paper presents a simulation model of a generic automated planning and control system for the pick-up and docking of semi-trailers by means of autonomous Yard Tractors (YTs) in a collision- and conflict free environment. To support the planning and control of the YTs, we propose a multi-agent system. We illustrate our approach using a case study at a Dutch logistics service provider. To evaluate the proposed system, we design an agent-based simulation model, which is set up in a similar way as the multi-agent system.

Glynn Peter W., Nakayama Marvin K., Tuffin Bruno. On the estimation of the mean time to failure by simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1844-1855.
The mean time to failure (MTTF) of a stochastic system is often estimated by simulation. One natural estimator, which we call the direct estimator, simply averages independent and identically distributed copies of simulated times to failure. When the system is regenerative, an alternative approach is based on a ratio representation of the MTTF. The purpose of this paper is to compare the two estimators.

Ghomri Latefa, Cardin Olivier. Determination of an empirical model of average rank for multi-deep AS/RS based on simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3184-3195.
We consider in this paper multi-deep automated storage/retrieval systems, where the cell capacity is strictly greater than one load. The main advantage of this class of AS/RS is a better use of space. Its main drawback is that, in order to retrieve a desired load, it is necessary to move all the loads in front of it. This is a common characteristic of all the multi-deep automated storage/retrieval systems.

Goldsman David, Mariana de Almeida Costa, Goldsman Paul. The countries of the participants in the Winter Simulation Conference // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.75-81.
This paper discusses the demographics of the authors of the many thousands of papers that have appeared in the WSC proceedings over that time span. From its origins as a “regional” conference whose participants hailed primarily from the United States, we shall see that the WSC has evolved into a truly top-flight, international conference.

Goldsman David, Mariana de Almeida Costa, Goldsman Paul, Wilson James R. History of the Winter Simulation Conference: overview and notable facts and figures // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.16-39.
In this paper we discuss key aspects of WSC’s evolution over the past fifty years. The discussion is based on our examination of all WSC Proceedings papers published between 1968 and 2016, which collectively document much of the history of simulation and WSC.

Gomez-Cruz N.A., Loaiza Saa I., Ortega Hurtado F.F. (2017). Agent-based simulation in management and organizational studies: a survey. European Journal of Management and Business Economics, 26(3), P. 313-328.

Gonsiorowski Elsa, Carothers Christopher D., LaPre Justin, Heidelberger Philip, Minkenberg Cyriel, Rodriguez German. Using quality of service lanes to control the impact of raid traffic within a burst buffer // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 932-943.
To better understand the impact of RAID rebuild traffic, we have developed a simulation model of the SIONs. After validation, we use this model to investigate the impact of several configuration parameters, including redundancy mechanism and the physical arrangement of hardware. Additionally, our model analyzes the use of Quality of Service lanes to limit the impact of RAID traffic.

Gopalswamy Karthick, Uzsoy Reha. An iterative refinement approach to fitting clearing functions to data from simulation models of production systems // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3254-3265.
We examine the problem of fitting clearing functions that estimate the expected output of a production resource as a function of its expected workload from empirical data.

Green Josiah J., Krejci Caroline C., Cantor David E. A hybrid simulation model of helping behavior // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1619-1630.
In this paper, a hybrid simulation (ABM-DES) model has been developed to investigate how workers’ predisposition to altruistic tendencies, an important personality factor, influences their willingness to help their co-workers on a production task. Simulation results suggest that highly altruistic individuals are more likely to help their co-workers.

Greenwood Allen G. Striving for ubiquity of simulation in operations through educational enhancements // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4252-4263.
This paper posits that, despite the success of the WSC, simulation is not as widely used as it should be and that a major cause is a general lack of understanding of the value of simulation outside of the simulation-specialist community. However, this paper suggests that one way to increase the use of simulation is through changes in education.

Guevremont Michel, Hammad Amin. Criticality visualization using 4D simulation for major capital projects // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 2360-2371.
This paper describes a method for developing 4D simulation to visualize the criticality of project activities considering the requirements of the levels of detail. The 4D visualization interface shows the criticality of activities linked to components with color coding based on the total float of each activity.

Guijun L., Yongsheng W., Daohan H., Hongtao Y. (2017, July). A Multi-Agent Model for Urban Water-Energy-Food Sustainable Development Simulation // In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (pp. 105-110). ACM.

Gwiazda A., Sękala A., Banaś W. (2017). Modeling of a production system using the multi-agent approach // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 227(1).

Ham Andy, Kim DJ. Scheduling of drone-based material transfer system in semiconductor manufacturing // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3726-3732.

Harder Byron, Blais Curtis, Balogh Imre. Conceptual framework for an automated battle planning system in combat simulations // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4141-4152.
In this paper, we present a conceptual planning framework as an architectural roadmap for the development of this kind of capability in support of modeling and simulation. This paper also presents an initial implementation of the framework in a representative combat simulation for exploring potential future opportunities for community advancement of the planning techniques.

Harper Alison, Mustafee Navonil, Feeney Mark. A hybrid approach using forecasting and discrete-event simulation for endoscopy services // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1583-1594.
The aim of the study is to evaluate a hybrid methodology using discrete-event simulation and demand forecasting in the healthcare domain. A case-study investigates the application of official population projections with local historical demand data to forecast demand for a healthcare diagnostic service.

Hartbauer, Manfred. (2017). Simplified bionic solutions: a simple bio-inspired vehicle collision detection system. Bioinspiration & Biominietics, 12(2).

Hartmanns Arnd, Sedwards Sean, D'Argenio Pedro R. Efficient simulation-based verification of probabilistic timed automata // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1419-1430.
In this paper, we propose a novel region-based approach and data structure that reduce the complexity of all operations to being linear. It relies on a particular mapping between symbolic regions and concrete representative valuations. Using an implementation within the Modest Toolset, we show that the new approach is not only easier to implement, but indeed significantly outperforms all current alternatives on standard benchmark models.

Hassoun Michael, Kalir Adar. Towards a new simulation testbed for semiconductor manufacturing // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3612-3623.
In this paper, we discuss in detail the various aspects of the new testbeds, in order to receive feedback from the simulation community on the importance of inclusion of some of the items in question; and the verification of the required inclusion of other items. Given the feedback, we aim to generate these testbeds within a year to serve as the new frame of reference for the benefit of the entire semiconductor manufacturing simulation community.

Hauke J., Lorscheid I., Meyer M. (2017). Recent Development of Social Simulation as Reflected in JASSS Between 2008 and 2014: A Citation and Co-Citation Analysis // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 20(1).

Hayder Zghair, Ahad Ali. Simulation analysis of processing complexity and production variety in automated manufacturing system // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4485-4487.

Herzog C., Pierson JM., Lefevre L. (2017). Modelling Technology Transfer in Green IT with Multi-agent System. In: Benlamri R., Sparer M. (eds) Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.

Hessary Yasaman Kamyab, Hadzikadic Mirsad. An agent-based study of herding relationships with financial markets phenomena // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1204-1215.
In this paper, an agent based model of stock market is developed.

Hidalgo Felipe, Aranda Diego, Pascual Jimena, Smith Alice E., González-Ramirez Rosa G. Empty container stacking operations: case study of an empty container depot in valparaiso chile // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3114-3125.
This paper describes a detailed stochastic simulation model integrated with a transactional database to model operations in an empty container depot. In this work we determine the performance of operational policies related to the stacking and retrieval of empty containers to derive recommendations for policy improvements and, in future work, the yard layout design.

Hill Raymond R., Miller J. O. A history of United States military simulation // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.346-364.
This paper provides a historical perspective on the use of simulation in defense particularly in United States military planning, analyses, and training.

Hollocks Brian W. A history of simulation development in the United Kingdom // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P.60-74.
Discrete-event simulation first emerged in the late 1950s and steadily grew in popularity to become the most frequently used of the classical Operational Research techniques across a range of industries and users. The leading advances in the evolution of discrete-event simulation software came from the United Kingdom and the USA and the author was engaged for some 30 years with its development and use. The paper reviews that history as a first-hand account, specifically in the United Kingdom and focusing on the period to 1994.

Holm Lene Berge, Bjornenak Tone, Kjaeserud Guri Galtung, Noddeland Harald. Using discrete event simulation and soft systems methodology for optimizing patient flow and resource utilization at the surgical unit of radiumhospitalet in Oslo, Norway // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1646-1657.
This study has a multimethodological approach where discrete event simulation modelling and Soft Systems Methodology are used in combination at the surgical unit at Radiumhospitalet in Norway. The aim was to investigate the effect of different interventions on patient flow and resource utilization.

Hu Mengqi, Chen Yang, Li Xiaopeng, Xiong Kaiqi. An agent-based simulation model for distributed vehicle sharing operations // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 1336-1347.
In this research, we develop an agent-based simulation model for a linear transportation system to evaluate three different vehicle sharing operations that include: 1) an independent operation where vehicles are isolate, 2) a centralized operation which assumes a central supervisor agent controls all the vehicles, and 3) a distributed operation where vehicles can communicate with others and make decisions by themselves.

Huang Zhiyuan, Lam Henry, Zhao Ding. Sequential experimentation to efficiently test automated vehicles // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 3078-3089.
This paper discusses a sequential learning approach based on kriging models to reduce the experimental runs and economize on-track experimentation. The approach relies on a heuristic simulation-based gradient descent procedure to search for the best next test scenario. We demonstrate our approach with some numerical test cases.

Hubl Alexander, Fischer Gudrun. Simulation-based business game for teaching methods in logistics and production // Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference W. K. V. Chan, A. D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page, eds. 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. P. 4228-4239.
This paper introduces a simulation-based business game for methods in planning logistics and production processes.

Hunter E., Namee B.M., Kelleher J.A. Taxonomy for Agent-Based Models in Human Infectious Disease Epidemiology. JASSS, 2017, 20(3), 2. DOI: 10.18564/jasss.3414. Available at: http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/20/3/2.html.
