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Adra Hosni. Realtime predictive and prescriptive analytics with real-time data and simulation // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3646-3651.This paper discusses the reusability and extensibility of simulation models and their roles in predictive and prescriptive analytics using real time data connectivity as used in SimTrack real time predictive analytics and schedule adherence. Akopov A.S., Beklaryan L.A., Saghatelyan A.K. Agent-based modelling for ecological economics: a case study of the republic of Armenia. Ecological Modelling. 2017. Ò. 346. Ñ. 99-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.11.012 (SCOPUS). Akopov A.S., Beklaryan A.L., Saghatelyan A.K., Sahakyan L.V. Control system for ecological modernization of enterprises (on the example of the Republic of Armenia) // Æóðíàë Áèçíåñ-èíôîðìàòèêà, âûïóñê ¹ 2 (36), 2016. Ñ.71-78.The article examines a system for controlling the ecological modernization dynamics of enterprises developed with the help of simulation modelling methods and implemented using the example of the Republic of Armenia (RA). The system has been developed for strategic decision-making directed at modernization of enterprises of RA, their transformation from an initial non-ecological state towards the state of ecologically pure manufacturing. The main feature of the software developed is an original agent-based model describing the dynamics of the ecological-economics system. The system has been implemented using the AnyLogic platform. Arbez Gilbert, Birta Louis G. A tutorial on ABCmod: an activity based discrete event conceptual modelling framework // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.88-102.This paper presents an overview on an activity-based conceptual modelling framework: Activity Based Conceptual modelling = ABCmod. It transforms the general notion of a conceptual model to into a specific conceptual modelling artefact. The ABCmod framework encompasses the naturalness of the activity perspective which has considerable intuitive appeal. Arisha Amr, Rashwan Wael. Modeling of healthcare systems: past, current and future trends // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1525-1534.This paper reviews all of the 456 articles published by the Winter Simulation Conference over the past 48 years (1967–2015) on the subject of modeling and healthcare system simulation, and analyzes the relative frequency of approaches used. Aslan U., Wilensky U. (2016). Restructuration in Practice: Challenging a Pop-Culture Evolutionary Theory through Agent Based Modeling // Proceedings of the Constructionism 2016 Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. Auld J., Hope M., Ley H., Sokolov V., Xua B., Zhang K. (2016). POLARIS: Agent-based modeling framework development and implementation for integrated travel demand and network and operations simulations // Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 64, March, 101-116. Aurich Paul, Nahhas Abdulrahman, Reggelin Tobias, Tolujew Juri. Simulation-based optimization for solving a hybrid flow shop scheduling problem // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2809-2819.This paper describes the solution of a hybrid flow shop (HFS) scheduling problem of a printed circuit board assembly. The production comprises four surface-mount device placement machines on the first stage and five automated optical inspection machines on the second stage. The objective is to minimize the makespan and the total tardiness. Axtell R.L. (2016). 120 million agents self-organize into 6 million firms: A model of the U.S. private sector // In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems (AAMAS '16). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Richland, SC, 806-816. Available at: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/2936924.2937042.Azab Ahmed E., Eltawil Amr B. A simulation based study of the effect of truck arrival patterns on truck turn time in container terminals // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.80-86.In container terminal operations, the delay of containers delivery is a common problem that confronts both the terminal operator and the customers represented by the trucking companies. One source of this delay is due to the long waiting time of the transporting trucks at container terminals (CTs). In this paper, the problem of long turn time for external trucks is studied. An extensive review of the previous work available in the literature that focused on landside problems in CTs is presented. After identifying some gaps, we conclude that the arrival pattern of external trucks and its impact on the truck turn time needs to be more understandable. A discrete event simulation model is developed to study the effect of various truck arrival patterns on the truck turn time in CTs. The simulation results showed how the arrival patterns influence the turn time of external trucks. Moreover, we suggest how CT operators can reduce the turn times without reducing the terminal gates’ productivity and recommend how to consider the arrival pattern in designing an appointment system for external trucks in CTs. Babic J., Podobnik V. A review of agent-based modelling of electricity markets in future energy eco-systems // 2016 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science (SpliTech). IEEE. 2016. doi: 10.1109/SpliTech.2016.7555922. Babu Vignesh, Nicol David M. Emulation/simulation of PLC networks with the S3F network simulator // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1475-1486.This paper addresses this issue by showing how to tightly integrate instances of a Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) emulator Awlsim with the network simulator S3F, in such a way that emulations and simulation are advancing synchronously in virtual time. We demonstrate fidelity of the approach in capturing the operating behaviour of a PLC network under varied network conditions and stress levels. Barakat Mohammad, Khoury Hiam. An agent-based framework to study occupant multi-comfort level in office buildings // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1328-1339.This paper presents work targeted at efficiently studying occupant multi-comfort level using agent-based modeling with the ultimate aim of reducing energy consumption within academic buildings. The proposed model was capable of testing different parameters and variables affecting occupant behavior. Barker Melanie R., Zupick Nancy Beth. A clue, the cash, the commitment, and the courage: the keys to a successful simulation project // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.80-87.While the technical approach to creating a simulation project is understood, there are very important aspects of the process that are not often discussed but which are critical to the success of the project. This paper aims to discuss four key elements imperative to conducting an effective simulation study and how they impact the progress of the study. Barlas Panagiotis, Heavey Cathal. KE tool: an open source software for automated input data in discrete event simulation projects // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.472-483.This paper presents a newly developed Open Source tool, called the Knowledge Extraction (KE) tool that automates the input data management in DES projects enabling real-time simulation. We explain how the KE tool is developed using Python libraries, introduce its structure and provide insights of its employment. Barra Carlos, Canessa Enrique, Chaigneau Sergio E. Modeling inferential minds in conceptual space // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.131-137.We present an Agent Based Model (ABM) named MIMICS (Modeling Inferential Minds in Conceptual Space), which shows how a social group develops abstract concepts for achieving agreement in communication. Agents describe concepts by assigning properties to them based on learning and communication interactions, trying to develop a conceptual space that discriminates as much as possible between two concepts. Contrarily to concrete concepts, those properties come from the social group and not from objects’ physical properties. The results show that agents in MIMICS develop abstract concepts that exhibit the same characteristics that are found in studies of real concepts: non-uniform frequency distributions of properties, intersubjective variability and stable concepts that are useful for the simulated social group by providing agreement in communication. Barros Fernando J. On the representation of time in modeling & simulation // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1571-1582.In this paper we study the advantages of using the set of hyperreal numbers for the time base. For demonstrating the advantages of Hyperreals over the set of reals we use the Hybrid Flow System Specification formalism. This formalism uses a single hyperreal time base to achieve a unifying representation of sampling and discrete event semantics. We show that a hyperreal time base enables the definition of deterministic, dynamic topology, hybrid systems, while a real time base cannot achieve these fundamental properties. Birdsey Lachlan. A framework and language for complex adaptive system modeling and simulation // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3670-3671.Bollinger L.A., van Blijswijk M.J., Dijkema G.P., Nikolic I. (2016). An Energy Systems Modelling Tool for the Social Simulation Community // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19 (1).This paper motivates the need for and introduces a tool to facilitate the development of linked social and technical models of electric power systems. The tool, called Matpower Connect, enables the runtime linkage of Netlogo - an oft-used modelling platform in the social simulation domain – with Matpower – a common power flow simulation package in the power systems domain. Brady C., Weintrop D., Anton G., Wilensky U. (2016). Constructionist Learning at the Group Level with Programmable Badges // Proceedings of the Constructionism 2016 Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. Broekea G., Voorna G., Ligtenberg A. (2016). Which sensitivity analysis method should i use for my agent-based model? // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19 (1). http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/19/1/5.html.Capocchi L., Kessler C., Santucci J.F. Discrete-event modeling and simulation of ubiquitous systems with DEVSimPy environement and DEVSimPy-mob mobile application // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3716-3717.Web service based simulation tools will be an important aspect of discrete-event modeling and simulation (M&S) in Internet of things systems. However, efforts to develop this kind of M&S tools are significant and it is difficult to have a tool suite that offer the modeling and the simulation of ubiquitous systems. The combination of the DEVSimPy environment and the DEVSimPy-mob hybrid mobile application allows the modeling of ubiquitous systems and their simulation from a mobile phone. We propose in this poster to present the DEVSimPy-mob application through its architecture and its interface. Cebral-Fernandez M., Crespo-Pereira D., Garcia-del-Valle A., Rouco-Couzo M. Improving planning and resource utilization of a shipbuilding process based on simulation // Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, 2016. 978-88-97999-76-8; Bruzzone, Jimenez, Longo, Louca and Zhang Eds. pp.197-203.This paper presents the experience obtained from the initial steps of the development of a simulation model of a shipyard. Chen Annie I., Graves Stephen C. Simulation optimization with sensitivity information: an application to online-retail inventory replenishment // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3654-3655.Cheng Russell, Macal Charles, Nelson Barry, Rabe Markus, Currie Christine, Fowler John, Lee Loo Hay. Simulation: the past 10 years and the next 10 years // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2180-2192.The Journal of Simulation is celebrating its tenth anniversary. The journal is published by The Operational Research Society of the United Kingdom. The society is the world's oldest-established learned society catering to the Operational Research profession, and one of the largest in the world, with 2,700 members in 66 countries. Cicirelli F., Nigro L. (2016). Control aspects in multi-agent systems. In Intelligent Agents in Data Intensive Computing, Springer, Studies in Big Data, Kolodziej J., Correia L., Manuel Molina J. (Eds.), pp. 27-50. Cicirelli F., Nigro L. (2016). Control centric framework for model continuity in time-dependent multi-agent systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley, to appear. Cicirelli Franco, Nigro Libero, Sciammarella Paolo F. Agent-based model continuity of stochastic time petri nets // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.18-24.Stochastic Time Petri Nets (sTPN) are a useful formalism for modelling and quantitative analysis of concurrent systems with timing constraints. This paper describes an implemented tool supporting sTPN, which was achieved on top of a control-centric agent-based framework which fosters model continuity. Model continuity means the same model can be used for property checking through simulation and for real-time execution. The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach through a modelling example. Cicirelli Franco, Spezzano Giandomenico. Concept hierarchies for sensor data fusion in the cognitive IoT // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.73-79.Sensor data fusion refers to technological solutions aiming at collecting, classifying and complementing data coming from multiple sensors. It has the potential of enabling context awareness which, on the other hand, represents a huge potential to be exploited in the field of IoT applications. Sensor fusion and IoT have to deal with multi-faced issues like heterogeneity, sensor/actuator management, data accuracy and reliability. This paper proposes a multi-tier approach dealing with sensor fusion and IoT aspects in a modular way. The approach relies on the use of the agent metaphor, statecharts and on the Rainbow multi-agent platform. Agents can be dynamically added and removed from an application thus promoting system openness and scalability. Heterogeneity and distribution issues are transparently managed by Rainbow which hides the physical layer on top of which the applications are built. As a significant case study, the approach was exploited for the implementation of a working prototype devoted to improve security of some artworks (statues) of the MAB museum located in the city of Cosenza, Italy. Clements Kelsey, Sweeney Kaleigh, Tremont Abigail, Muralidhara Vipul, Kuhl Michael E. Evaluation of warehouse bulk storage lane depth and abc space allocation using simulation // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2239-2249.The principal intention of this paper is to develop an approach for modeling bulk lane storage in a high-volume warehouse environment. Poor layout planning can lead to an ineffective use of space and is a concern of many companies today. A simulation methodology is presented to evaluate alternative bulk storage warehouse configurations. Parameters of interest are the depth of bulk lane rows and the space allotted for various frequency zones. Analysis of representative data shows that there are variations of bulk lane depth and zone size that can reduce travel distance and thus reduce cost. Collins Andrew J., Frydenlund Erika. Agent-based modeling and strategic group formation: a refugee case study // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1289-1300.Refugee flight presents a logistics problem for humanitarian aid workers anticipating ebbs and flows of arrivals. These migrations include travel over long distances with little advanced coordination and damaged social networks. The model presented here is based on these two fundamental premises: long distance and strategic en-route coordination. The results indicate a tipping point in average group size as the slowest group members have more of impact in the utility function of the agents. Currie Christine S.M., Cheng Russell C.H. A practical introduction to analysis of simulation output data // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.118-132.The tutorial will be used to introduce some basic techniques for analysing the output of stochastic simulation models. Using examples, we will describe methods for determining the optimal warm-up length and number of replications as well as introducing ways of using simulation to compare different systems. Curry Guy L., Banerjee Amarnath, Moya Hiram, Jones Harry L. A modeling language generator for a discrete event simulation language in Matlab // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1013-1023.A discrete-event simulation language was implemented in MATLAB. The approach is similar to the process/command modeling paradigm utilized in GPSS and other languages that followed. The language is a MATLAB Script File and can be part of a larger analysis package as a sub-function of an optimization/simulation system. The modeler builds the simulation through support functions provided in this system but must insert them in the proper locations of the MATLAB master function. Danga Q.V., Phama K. Design of a Footwear Assembly Line Using Simulation-based ALNS // ProcediaCIRP. 2016. Vol. 40. P. 596-601. Dequeant Kean, Vialletelle Philippe, Lemaire Pierre, Espinouse Marie-Laure. A literature review on variability in semiconductor manufacturing: the next forward leap to industry 4.0. // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2598-2609.We present a review of the sources of variability discussed in the literature and the methods proposed to manage them. We discuss their relative importance as seen by the authors as well as the limits current theories face. Finally, we emphasize the lack of research on some critical aspects related to High Mix Low Volume fabs. In this setting, the ability of practitioners to predict and anticipate the effects of changing product mix and client orders remains challenging, delaying the transition of semiconductor manufacturers towards Industry 4.0. Diallo Saikou Y., Lynch Christopher J., Padilla Jose J., Gore Ross. The impact of modeling paradigms on the outcome of simulation studies: an experimental case study // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1451-1462.We explore the impact of using different modeling paradigms on the outcome of simulation studies. Modeling paradigms, once implemented, follow different computational rules regarding how calculations are made and are sequenced during runtime. This paper serves as a first step in examining how the selection of a paradigm affects the outcome of the simulation. Dias Luis M. S., Vieira Antonio A. C., Pereira Guilherme A. B., Oliveira Jose A. Discrete simulation software ranking – a top list of the worldwide most popular and used tools // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1060-1071. This paper documents a work on all-purpose discrete event simulation tools evaluation. Selected tools must be suitable for process design (e.g. manufacturing or services industries). Rather than making specific judgments of the tools, authors tried to measure the intensity of usage or presence in different sources, which they called “popularity”. This work is an upgrade to the same study issued 5 years ago (2011), which in its turn was also an upgrade of 10 years ago (in 2006). The result of this work is a short list, of 19 commercial simulation tools, with probably the nowadays’ most relevant ones. Di Febbraro A. A deterministic and stochastic Petri Net model for traffic-responsive signaling control in urban / A. Di Febbraro, D. Giglio, N. Sacco // IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Feb. 2016. – Vol.17, Issue 2. – P. 510-524. Djanatliev Anatoli, Meier Florian. Hospital processes within an integrated system view: a hybrid simulation approach // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1364-1375.This paper presents a theoretical approach that enables to consider reciprocal influences between processes and higher level entities, but also to combine hospital workflows with other subjects (e.g., ambulance vehicles). Eldabi Tillal, Balaban Mariusz, Brailsford Sally, Mustafee Navonil, Nance Richard E., Onggo Bhakti Stephan, Sargent Robert G. Hybrid simulation: historical lessons, present challenges and futures // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1388-1403.Hybrid Simulation comes in many shapes and forms. It has been argued by many researchers that Hybrid Simulation (HS) provides more and better insights into the real-life system as it allows modelers to assess its inherent problems from different dimensions. As a result HS is becoming an important field within the Modeling and Simulation arena. Yet we find that there is no clear and/or cohesive definition for it. Therefore, this panel paper aims to explore the concept of HS and its progression through the years. Erickson Collin, Ankenman Bruce E., Sanchez Susan M. Comparison of gaussian process modeling software // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3692-3693.Gaussian process fitting, or kriging, is often used to create a model from a set of data. Many available software packages do this, but we show that very different results can be obtained from different packages even when using the same data and model. Seven different fitting packages that run on four different platforms are compared using various data functions and data sets that reveal there are stark differences between the packages. Feliciani C., Nishinari K. (2016). An improved Cellular Automata model to simulate the behavior of high density crowd and validation by experimental data // Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Fishwick Paul A. Learning simulation models through physical objects // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1559-1570.We cover recent work in a class where students were instructed to explore museum objects through the lens of modeling and simulation. We link to an outdoor sculpture that contains physical web access to modeling information. Students are able to see models through objects rather than strictly through classroom instruction. Models become new interpretations of art objects. Fylstra Daniel H. Analyticsolver.com: simulation, optimization and predictive analytics in your web browser // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3604.Ghazi S., Dugdale J., Khadir T. (2016). Modelling air pollution crises using multi-agent simulation // 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1530-1605. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.29. Goto Akinobu, Takahashi Shingo, Ohori Kotaro, Yamane Shohei, Iwashita Hiroaki, Anai Hirokazu. Agent-based simulation analysis for security planning based on structures of urban road networks // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1013-1023.This paper proposes an agent-based simulation to analyze the effective resource allocation strategies for patrolling and inspection in consideration of urban network structures. A model of attackers and defenders is first formulated as ''security game for urban networks''. Greenwood Allen, Hill Travis, Saunders Chase, Holt Robbie. Modeling and analysis of intermodal supply paths to enhance sourcing decisions // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2370-2381.This paper describes a simulation-based toolset that was developed to assess the expected performance of alternative intermodal supply paths. The toolset provides a means to quickly develop simulation models of both domestic and international supply paths. Hill Amy L. Norovirus outbreaks: using agent-based modeling to evaluate school policies // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1265-1276.This paper examines transmission of the virus among elementary school classrooms, evaluating policies to reduce the number of children who become infected. The model focuses on the daily activities that allow for students’ exposure to the virus including classroom activities and lunch/recess. The results demonstrated that implementation of either policy helps reduce the number of students who become ill and that the sooner the policy is implemented the shorter the duration of the outbreak. Hillmann Peter, Uhlig Tobias, Rodosek Gabi Dreo, Rose Oliver. Simulation and optimization of content delivery networks considering user profiles and preferences of internet service providers // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3143-3154.Hjorth A., Brady C., Head B., Wilensky U. (2016). Turtles All the Way Down: Presenting LevelSpace, a NetLogo Extension for Reasoning About Complex Connectedness // Constructionism 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. Hjorth A., Weintrop D., Brady C., Wilensky U. (2016). LevelSpace: Constructing Models and Explanations Across Levels // Constructionism 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. Huang Jingsi, Liu Lingyan, Shi Leyuan. Auction policy analysis: an agent-based simulation optimization model of grain market // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3417-3428.This study focuses on the auction policy of national grain reserve. We develop an agent-based simulation model of China’s wheat market with detail descriptions of different agents, including national grain reserve, grain trading enterprises and grain processing enterprises. As the first agent-based simulation model about national grain reserve and grain market, this model can be widely used in agricultural economics, and can provide policy supports to the government. Hughes Ed, Lada Emily. Introduction to SAS simulation studio // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3630-3641.An overview is presented of SAS Simulation Studio, an object-oriented, Java-based application for building and analyzing discrete-event simulation models. Emphasis is given to Simulation Studio’s hierarchical, entity-based approach to resource modeling, which facilitates the creation of realistic simulation models for systems with complicated resource requirements, such as preemption. Also discussed are the various ways that Simulation Studio integrates with SAS and JMP for data management, distribution fitting, and experimental design. Jain Sanjay, Lechevalier David. Standards based generation of a virtual factory model // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2762-2773.The paper concludes with a discussion of challenges in verification and validation of the virtual factory prototype model with its multiple hierarchical models and future directions. Jeong Yong-Kuk, Kim Byeong-Seop, Shin Jong-Gye, Lee Philippe, Woo Jong Hun, Lee Jong Moo. A ship block logistics support system based on the shipyard simulation framework // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3672-3673.In this paper, a simulation-based ship block logistics support system is suggested. With which, the block logistics is to be simulated according to the various production plans and operational strategies of shipyards. The suggested system will allow planners and the management to determine the current state of logistics and to have the insight of improvement as well, reflecting effectively the constantly revised production plan of the shipyard. In addition, the system can be easily adapted to the any shipyard. Kamble S., Gawankar S. Simulation modeling and analysis of in-plant logistics at a cement manufacturing plant in India // World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering. Vol:10, No:2, 2016. Ñ.570-575.This paper presents the findings of successful implementa business process reengineering of cement dispatch activities in a cement manufacturing plant located in India. Karatas Mumtaz, Onggo Bhakti Stephan. Validating an integer non-linear program optimization model of a wireless sensor network using agent-based simulation // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1340-1351.Deploying wireless sensor networks along a barrier line to provide surveillance against illegal intruders is a fundamental sensor-allocation problem. To maximize the detection probability of intruders with a limited number of sensors, we propose an integer non-linear program optimization model which considers multiple types of sensors and targets, probabilistic detection functions and sensor-reliability issues. Konovalov Mikhail, Razumchik Rostislav. Simulation and selection of efficient decision rules in bank’s manual underwriting process // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.651-657.Bank’s manual underwriting involves a group of underwriting inspectors, which perform a known set of procedures with the loan applications submitted by the borrowers, in order to determine the risk of providing a loan and eventually approve or disapprove it. Due to the fact that the evaluation process of applications must satisfy quality of service requirements usually set at legislator level and the bank resources are limited, one has to define such dispatching rules, that specify which application must be sent to which inspector and when in such a way that the requirements are met. This paper presents a case study of the application of “computer-aided scheduling” to the new problem of optimal management of applications, which is seen in the bank manual underwriting process. Here it is shown that the problem of optimal distribution of applications between the inspectors in the bank’s manual underwriting can be represented as an optimal dispatching problem, commonly encountered in the distributed processing environment. We build the simulation model of the corresponding dispatching system and find best decision rule with the help of computational simulations. Korenkov V.V., Nechaevskiy A.V., Ososkov G.A., Potrebenikov Y.K., Pryahina D.I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V. Simulation of distributed data processing system for BM@N experiment of T0-T1 NICA project // Selected Papers, 7th International Conference Distributed Computing and Gridtechnologies in Science and Education, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol.1787, 2016, p.307–311. Korenkov V.V., Nechaevskiy A.V., Ososkov G.A., Pryahina D.I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V. Simulation concept of NICA-MPD-SPD Tier0-Tier1 computing facilities // Particles and Nuclei Letters, Vol. 13, ¹ 5, 2016, p.1074-1083. Korenkov V.V., Nechaevskiy A.V., Ososkov G.A., Pryahina D.I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V., Voytishin N.N. The JINR Tier1 Site Simulation for Research and Development Purposes // European Physical Journal (EPJ) – Web of Conferences, Vol.108, 02033, 2016. Kotachi Mariam, Rabadi Ghaith, Msakni Mohamed Kais, Al-Salem Mohammad, Diabat Ali. A discrete event simulation for the logistics of hamad’s container terminal of Qatar // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2262-2271.A discrete even simulation is developed for the first container terminal of Hamad’s new port of Qatar which is anticipated to start its operations by the end of 2016. The model is based on the operational knowledge of experts from the current port of Doha and Qatar’s port authority. The challenge in this paper is validating a simulation for a system that has not started its operation. The preliminary analysis shows promising results and indicate the validity of the model. Kunc Martin. System dynamics: a behavioral modeling method // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.53-64.This tutorial offers an opportunity to explore the antecedents of System Dynamics as a behavioral simulation modeling method and offers examples of uses of System Dynamics in laboratory experiments, field experiments and evaluation of theories-in-use by decision makers. Latorre-Biel Juan-Ignacio, Faulin Javier, Juan Angel A. Enriching Simheuristics with Petri net models: potential applications to logistics and supply chain management // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2475-2486.This paper presents a methodology combining Simheuristics with a Petri net model, describing the environment of a logistic system. An extended version of the capacitated vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands is stated adding a Petri net model. Laue Ralf, Muller Christian. The business process simulation standard (BPSIM): chances and limits // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.413-418.This paper provides a critical analysis of the BPSim standard, a specification by the Workflow Management Coalition. The aim of this standard is to make it possible to exchange simulation models between different modeling and simulation tools. We discuss the expressiveness of BPSim model and come to the conclusion that it will be sufficient for certain cases, but also lacks some important features. Lee Taesik, Shin Kyohong, Lee Hyun-Rok, Lee Hyun Jin, Sung Inkyung, Lee Junseok, Moon Il-Chul, Bae Jangwon. Characterizing emergency responses in localities with different social infrastructures using EMSSim // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.1926-1937.Using the Emergency Medical Service Simulation model (EMSSim), we test a hypothesis that the social infrastructure and geographic characteristics are key factors in determining the best strategy for the improvement of the EMS system of a particular region. Legato Pasquale, Malizia Lidia, Mazza Rina Mary. Simulation-based performance measurement: assessing the purchasing process in a public university // Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann, Michael Manitz, Oliver Rose (Editors). ISBN: 978-0-9932440-2-5 / ISBN: 978-0-9932440-3-2 (CD). P.33-40.Performance measurement is becoming a must in the public sector in Italy, just as in other frontline economies. Public services have to be supplied to citizens under diminishing resources, but pursuing growing target levels as if they were operating in a competitive market. Discrete-event simulation is challenging as an effective methodology for a quantitative evaluation of different practices in non-profit organizations characterized by socio-technical environments guided by the central government’s changing normative and often conflicting multiple stakeholders. This paper focuses on a scientific Department of an Italian University, after that a performance measurement and evaluation system has been adopted by the Board of Directors as required by recent laws aimed at increasing the level of accountability. A case study is described in which the «purchasing process» is analyzed by stochastic simulation in order to account for limited resources under various sources of uncertainty. Numerical results are presented to support possible managerial decisions towards improved efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in purchasing operations. Li Baoxiang, Tan Kar Way, Tran Khiem Trong. Traffic simulation model for port planning and congestion prevention // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2382-2393.We present a hybrid simulation model that combines traffic-flow modeling and discrete-event simulation for land-side port planning and evaluation of traffic conditions for a number of what-if scenarios. We design our model based on a real-world case of a bulk cargo port. Lin Larry, Carley Kathleen M., Cheng Shih-Fen. An agent-based approach to human migration movement // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3510-3520.This paper uses a country-level agent-based dynamic network model to examine shifts in population given network relations among countries, which influences overall population change. Some of the networks considered include: alliance networks, shared language networks, economic influence networks, and proximity networks. Validation of model is done for migration probabilities between countries, as well as for country populations and distributions. Lin P., Ren W., Song Y. Distributed multi-agent optimization subject to nonidentical constraints and communication delays // Automatica. 2016. Vol. 65. P. 120-131. Linares M. Paz, Montero Lídia, Barcelo Jaume, Carmona Carlos. A simulation framework for real-time assessment of dynamic ride sharing demand responsive transportation models // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2216-2227.This paper analyzes and evaluates both aspects through microscopic simulation emulating real-time traffic information while also interacting with a Decision Support System. The paper presents and discusses the obtained results for a Barcelona model. Liotta Giacomo, Holmstrom Jan. Simulation of in-transit services in tracked delivery of project supply chains: a case of telecom industry // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.2442-2453.This work aims to estimate the potential benefits of in-transit services based on in-transit control for project network construction operations. Two services are analyzed: Re-direct service based on item rerouting to and reusability for other sites; and Call-back and delivery-on-request services based on centralized collection of items temporarily unneeded at any sites any longer. Experiments show that the in-transit services lead to remarkable improvements mainly of component waste and dwell times. Li Wei, Mani Ramamurthy, Mosterman Pieter J. Extensible discrete-event simulation framework in simevents // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.943-954.A simulation framework is introduced that facilitates hierarchical definition and composition of discrete-event systems. This framework enables modelers to flexibly use graphical block diagrams, state charts, and MATLAB textual object-oriented programming to author custom domain-specific discrete-event systems. The framework has been realized in an implementation that spans multiple software simulation tools including SimEvents, Stateflow, Simulink and MATLAB. Martinez D.L., Halme A. (2016). MarSim, a Simulation of the MarsuBots Fleet Using NetLogo // In Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 79-87). Springer Japan. Martinez-Moyano Ignacio J., Macal Charles M. A primer for hybrid modeling and simulation // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.133-147.This paper discusses the uses and applications of hybrid modeling, general lessons related to how and when to use such an approach, and relevant tools. Moiseev A., Demin A., Dorofeev V., Sorokin V. Discrete-event approach to simulation of queueing networks // Key Engineering Materials. 2016. V.685. P. 939–942. Moro A. Understanding the dynamics of violent political revolutions in an agent-based framework // PLoS ONE. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 4. P. e0154175. Muller Dan. AutoMod: outlasting the competition through performance, scalability and accuracy // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3606-3617.Managers need state-of-the-art tools to help in planning, design, and operations. The AutoMod product suite from Applied Materials has been used on thousands of projects empowering engineers and managers to make the best decisions. AutoMod supports hierarchical model construction allowing users to reuse model components, decreasing the time required to build models. Recent enhancements to AutoMod’s material handling systems have increased modeling accuracy and ease-of-use. These advances have made AutoMod one of the most widely used simulation packages. Mulyukin A.A., Kossovich T., Perl I.A. Effective execution of systems dynamics models // Proc. 19th Conf. of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 2016, pp. 358–364. Muravev D., Aksoy S., Rakhmangulov A., Aydogdu V. Comparing model development in discrete event simulation on Ro-Ro terminal example // Int. J. of Logistics Systems and Management. — 2016. — ¹ 3 (24). — P. 283–297. Naugle Asmeret Bier, Bernard Michael L., Lochard Itamara. Simulating political and attack dynamics of the 2007 estonian cyber attacks // Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference T. M. K. Roeder, P. I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S. E. Chick, eds. – 2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA. – P.3500-3509.The Republic of Estonia faced a series of cyber attacks and riots in 2007 that seemed to be highly coordinated and politically motivated, causing short-lived but substantial impact to Estonia’s cyber and economic systems. Short-term harm from these hybrid incidents led to long-term improvements and leadership by Estonia in the cyber arena. We created a causal model of these attacks to simulate their dynamics. The model uses the DYMATICA framework, a cognitive-system dynamics structure used to quantify and simulate elicited information from subject matter experts.