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Akopov A.S. (2014) Parallel genetic algorithm with fading selection // International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, pp. 325 – 331. Akopov A.S., Beklaryan G.L. (2014) Modelling the dynamics of the «Smarter Region» // In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics, pp. 203 – 209. Aksyonov K.A., Antonova A.S. Multiagent genetic optimisation to solve the project scheduling problem under uncertainty // International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 7, no. 1&2, june, 2014, pp. 1-19. Aksyonov K., Bykov E., Aksyonova O. Real time simulation models integrated into the corporate information systems // 33rd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2014; Nanjing; China; 28 July 2014 through 30 July 2014, Pages 6810-6813. Aksyonov K.A., Bykov E.A., Aksyonova O.P., Antonova A.S. Development of real-time simulation models: integration with enterprise information systems // Proceedings of ICCGI 2014: The Ninth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 22-26 June 2014, Sevilla, pp. 45-50. Aksyonov K., Bykov E., Aksyonova O., Goncharova N., Nevolina A. Real-time simulation modeling of logistics in metallurgical production, Proceedings of the 5th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Identification (MSI 2014), July 16 -18, 2014, Banff, Canada, pp. 30-37. Aksyonov K.A., Spitsina I.A., Sysoletin E.G., Aksyonova O.P., Smoliy E.F. Multi-agent approach for the metallurgical enterprise information system development // 24th Int. Crimean Conference «Microwave & TelecommunicationTechnology» (CriMiCo’2014), 7—13 September 2014, Sevastopol, vol. 1, pp.437-438. Alden K., Timmis J., Coles M. (2014). Easing Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Netlogo Simulations using SPARTAN // ALIFE 14: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems.Ampatzidis G., Ergazaki M. (2014). Towards a learning environment for challenging the idea of the balanced nature: Insights from the first cycle of research // In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book. Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 3 (pp. 44-54). Nicosia, Cyprus: European Science Education Research Association.Asta Shahriar, Özcan Ender, and Siebers Peer-Olaf. An investigation on test driven discrete event simulation // Proceedings of the Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop 2014. B.Tjahjono, C. Heavey, S. Onggo, and D-J. van der Zee, eds.This paper deals with the application of modern software development tools on simulation development. Recently, Agile Software Development methods enjoy an increasing popularity. Azimi Mohammad; Bulat Evgeny; Weis Karsten; Mofrad Mohammad R.K. (November 5, 2014). An agent-based model for mRNA export through the nuclear pore complex // Molecular Biology of the Cell. 25 (22): 3643–3653. doi:10.1091/mbc.E14-06-1065. Adam Baddock, Sean Gahagan, Thomas Lhotsky, Christopher Tupino and Haiping Xu Automatic creation of daily pseudo-schedules for a printed circuit board shop using Arena, Access and Excel // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Mil-ler. P.4132-4133. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This case study describes the use of a deterministic discrete event simulation model to create a pseudo-schedule for a high-mix, low-volume printed circuit board manufacturing shop, which is managed using only queue and dispatch heuristics. By connecting a generic simulation model that emulates those heuristics to current state data extracted daily from the shop’s ERP system yields a forecast or schedule of predicted events that the shop supervisor is able to use to manage human and machine resource allocation and see the impact of his decisions on predicted order completion dates. Balaraman V., Singh M. (2014). Exploring Norm Establishment in Organizations Using an Extended Axelrod Model with Two New Metanorms // SummerSim '14, Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Simulation Multiconference, Article No. 39. Natalia P. Basán, Mariana E. Cóccola, Carlos A. Méndez Optimizing the design and operation of a beer packaging line through an advanced SIMIO-based des tool // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1989-2000. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Discrete event simulation (DES) techniques cover a broad collection of methods and applications that allows imitating, assessing, predicting and enhancing the behavior of large and complex real-world processes. This work introduces a modern DES framework, developed with SIMIO simulation software, to optimize both the design and operation of a complex beer packaging sys-tem. The proposed simulation model provides a 3D user-friendly graphical interface which allows evaluating the dynamic operation of the system over time. In turn, the simulation model has been used to perform a comprehensive sensitive analysis over the main process variables. In this way, several alternative scenarios have been assessed in order to achieve remarkable performance improvements. Alternative heuristics and optimization by simulation can be easily embedded into the proposed simulation environment. Numerical results generated by the DES model clearly show that production and efficiency can be significantly enhanced when the packaging line is properly set up. Becher M.A., Grimm V., Thorbek P., Horn J., Kennedy P.J., Osborne J.L. (2014). BEEHAVE: a systems model of honeybee colony dynamics and foraging to explore multifactorial causes of colony failure // Journal of applied ecology, 51(2), pp.470-482.
Brady C., Holbert N. Soylu F., Novak M., Wilensky U. (2014). Sandboxes for model-based inquiry // Science Teaching and Learning with Models, Journal of Science Education and Technology (JOST) [Special Issue].
Bures V., Tucnik P. Complex agent-based models: Application of a constructivism in the economic research // Economics & Management. – 2014. – XVII (1). – Pp. 152-168.
Byoung K. Choi, Donghun Kang How to develop yourown simulators for discrete-event systems // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.147-161. Savan-nah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This tutorial explains how to develop dedicated simulators for executing event graph models and activity cycle diagram (ACD) models. An event-graph simulator template and an ACD simulator template are presented in pseudo code form, together with example C# implementations for a simple discrete-event system. A list of the simulation programs in C# codes is provided in a website. A brief description of a general-purpose simulator for executing ACD models is also presented. Cao S., Song W., Liu X., Mu N. Simulation of pedestrian evacuation in a room under fire emergency // Procedia engineering. 2014. Vol. 71. P. 403-409. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.04.058. Cigolini R., Pero M., Rossi T., Sianesi A. Linking supply chain configuration to supply chain perfrmance: A discrete event simulation model Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 2014. January 1. Vol. 40. P. 1-11. Daniel Dawson, Peer-Olaf Siebers, Tuong Manh Vu Opening Pandora's Box: Some Insight into the Inner Workings of an Agent-Based Simulation Environment // Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems pp. 1453–1460.Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) environments are somewhat of a black box to many modelers in Social Simulation or Economics and their inner workings are often only understood by the computer scientists who developed them. We intend to shed some light into the inner workings of such systems. For this purpose we have developed our own simple ABS environment in C++ using hierarchical state machines. In this paper we provide insight into the design of our ABS environment and then test the performance of it by comparing it to that of an "off the shelf" commercial package. While some programming knowledge is required to understand the paper in all its depth we believe that non programming experts will also benefit from this paper as it provides an insight into the underlying mechanisms operating within an ABS using graphical representations and explanations that avoid heavy technical jargon. Devyatkov, V., S. Vasileva. Opportunities of the Extended Editor and the Universal Editor of the Forms of the GPSS World to create Simulation Models and to conduct Simulation Studies. // Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference Science, Education, Innovation, Dedicated to the 145th Anniversary of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and to the 35th Anniversary of Georgi Ivanov's Flight, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, Vol. II, pp. 429-438. (In Russian) Available at: link. Deviatkov V.V., Vlasov S.A., Isaev F.V., Fedotov M.V. Imitational Studies with GPSS WORLD: New Capabilities (Èìèòàöèîííûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ ñ GPSS WORLD: íîâûå âîçìîæíîñòè) // Automation and Remote Control. – 2014. – Vol. 72. – No. 3. – P. 345-354. Dickerson M. (2014). Multi-agent simulation, NetLogo, and the recruitment of computer science majors // Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 30(1), pp.131-139. Divis R., Kavicka A. (2014) Train movement dynamics within Anylogic tool // In: Proceedings of the 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS2014, 307-312. Available: https://www.msc-les.org/proceedings/emss/2014/EMSS2014_307.pdf. Ralf Elbert, Fabian Walter Information flow along the maritime trans-port chain – a simulation based approach to determine impacts of estimated time of arrival mes-sages on the capacity utilization // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1795-1806. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Various actors are involved in hinterland transportation of incoming rail containers along the ma-ritime transport chain. To coordinate each actor’s logistics processes, and therefore to improve utilization of existing transport capacity, the early provision of information, e.g. in form of esti-mated time of arrival (ETA), is inevitable. The objective of this paper is to determine impacts of these information flows on capacity utilization via a simulation based approach. To simulate the effect of ETA container from vessel to hinterland transport mode rail, a system dynamic simula-tion model is developed based on a case study about input containers at the port of Hamburg. As result the container output on rail is compared with and without ETA for different container in-put volumes. It will be shown; managing provision of information in supply chains – such as ma-ritime transport chains – is a valuable approach for increasing existing utilization. Epstein J.M. (2014). Agent_Zero: Toward Neurocognitive Foundations for Generative Social Science // New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Masoud Fakhimi, Anastasia Anagnostou, Lampros Ster-gioulas, Simon J. E. Taylor A hybrid agent-based and discrete event simulation approach for sustainable strategic planning and simulation analytics // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1573-1584. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Modern healthcare reforms are required to be financially, environmentally and socially sustaina-ble in order to address the additional constraints of financial resources shrinkage, pressure to re-duce the environmental impacts and demand for improving the quality of healthcare services. Decision makers face the challenge of balancing all three aspects when planning. However, im-plementing such an approach, particularly in healthcare, is not a trivial task. Modeling & simula-tion is a valuable tool for studying complex systems. This paper investigates the application of a hybrid approach that combines Agent-based Modeling & Simulation (ABMS) and Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) for analyzing sustainable planning strategies for Emergency Medical Services. The paper presents a case study that shows how combined ABMS and DES models can support strategic planning and simulation analytics, respectively. The generated data from the ABMS is fed to the DES model in order to analyze the different strategies and the preliminary results are promising. Marcelo Moretti Fioroni, Letícia Cristina Alves dos Santos, Luiz Augusto G. Franzese, Isac Reis Santana, Gustavo Dezem Telles, Jo-siane Cordeiro Seixas, Bruno Penna, Gerson Mendes de Alkmim Logistic evaluation of an underground mine using simulation // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Confe-rence», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1855-1865. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This paper describes a logistic study about an underground gold mine, belonging to AngloGold Ashanti, where four different layout options could be applied to the tunnels, and also different transportation strategies. Each evaluated layout had its own configuration for shaft and truck fleet. The study was made in dividually for each year of the mine operation life, determining the necessary transportation capacity to achieve the planned production at that year. Due to the very restrictive traffic options in the tunnels, a framework was developed to represent the tunnels and traffic rules in a discrete-event simulation model. The results identified the scenario with the lowest necessary transportation capacity to achieve the planned production. Galic N., Ashauer R., Baveco H., Nyman A.-M., Barsi A., Thorbek P., Bruns E., Van den Brink P.J. (2014). Modeling the contribution of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic processes to the recovery of Gammarus pulex populations after exposure to pesticides // Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:1476-1488. Franklin E. Gbologah, Michael P. Hunter, Michael O. Rodgers A multimodal port freight transportation model for estimating container throughput // In «Proceed-ings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.4113-4114. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Past simulation studies of the multimodal freight transportation system have been unable to dy-namically couple the various modes into one model; therefore, they are limited in their ability to inform on dynamic system level interactions. This paper presents a dynamically coupled multi-modal transportation system operating at multiple spatial references and temporal scales. Specif-ically, this paper shows a dynamically coupled railroad network which closely follows major CSX railroads from Chicago, Washington DC, and Miami into the southern U.S. Ports of Savan-nah, Jacksonville, and Charleston. The models were devel-oped using Arena simulation software. Pezhman Ghadimi, Cathal Heavey MASOS: a multi-agent system si-mulation framework for sustainable supplier evaluation and order allocation // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1132-1143. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Purchasing activities consume more than half of manufacturing and trading organizations sales capitals. Effective procurement is tied with efficient and highly accurate collection of data needed for purchasing the right material with the acceptable quality from appropriate suppliers. Supply chain management consists of complex networks of distributed actors in which the prob-lem of identifying the appropriate suppliers and allocating optimal order quantities based on the Triple Bottom Line attributes is strategically important. However, implementation of an auto-nomous and automated assessment that can incorporate dynamics and uncertainty of the whole supply chain during the assessment period is not addressed. In the current research paper, a novel framework is designed and proposed to narrow the aforementioned gap. Agent technology has been incorporated in the developed framework to decrease the supplier chain uncertainty by de-creasing human interactions and automating the process of supplier evaluation and order allocation. Adam Graunke, Gabriel Burnett, Charles Hu, Glen Wirth Decision support model to evaluate complex overhead crane schedules // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1608-1619. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Boeing Commercial Airplanes produces four twin-aisle airplane models at its Everett, Washing-ton production facility - the largest building by volume in the world. Efficient and effective ma-terial handling of large airplane substructures is critical to maintain production rates, and the Ev-erett facility employs two interconnected systems of overhead cranes to move airplane sections through the factory. The crane scheduling team needed a tool to evaluate current and proposed crane schedules for feasibility, rate capability, and potential bottlenecks. Boeing Research and Technology partnered with Simio LLC to develop a simulation model of the crane network that would execute and evaluate a series of crane moves. The model employs both discrete event and agent-based paradigms to model the complex system and to allow for highly configurable initial states. This approach allows for rapid schedule evaluation, non-recurring planning, and real-time system modeling. In this paper we present the system, the model, and results. Guo Y., Wilensky U. (2014) Beesmart: a microworld for swarming behavior and for learning complex systems concepts // Proceedings of the Constructionism 2014 Conference. Vienna, Austria. August. 2014.In this paper we present a series of microworlds called «BeeSmart»” for students to engage in a constructionist learning experience through manipulating NetLogo models, discussing with peers, and co-constructing meanings of honeybees’ hive-seeking behavior. Head B., Liang C., Wilensky U. (2014). Flying like a School of Fish: Discovering Flocking Formations in an Agent-Based Model with Analogical Reasoning // In Proceedings of the Michigan Complexity Mini-Conference. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Head B., Orton K., Wilensky U. (2014). An Agent-Based Approach to Modeling Membrane Formation // In Proceedings of the Michigan Complexity Mini-Conference. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Raymond R. Hill, Darryl Ahner, Michael J. Garee Using simulation to examine live-fire test configurations // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Confe-rence», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.2311-2318. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Man-Portable Air-Defense System (MANPADS) missiles are threats to military aircraft. Analyt-ical models are used to help design military aircraft to survive a variety of attacks, including those from Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems. These models need accurate fragment capture data consisting of the fragment size and velocity resulting from weapon detonation. Accurate data require accurate testing which in turn requires effective test design infrastructure. We model this test infrastructure. MANPADS missiles are detonated within test arenas that have make-screens placed on the arena walls to capture fragment impact data. Our model mimics the test process and provides a quantitative metric with which to examine and compare test arena confi-gurations. We overview our model and quality metric and offer a case study in which these are used to find a robust arena make-screen configuration. Peter Hillmann, Tobias Uhlig, Gabi Dreo Rodosek, Oliver Rose A Nov-el Multi-Agent System for Complex Scheduling Problems // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.231-241. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Complex scheduling problems require a large amount computation power and innovative solution methods. The objective of this paper is the conception and implementation of a multi-agent system that is applicable in various problem domains. Independent specialized agents handle small tasks, to reach a superordinate target. Effective coordination is therefore required to achieve productive cooperation. Role models and distributed artificial intelligence are employed to tackle the resulting challenges. We simulate a NP-hard scheduling problem to demonstrate the validity of our approach. In addition to the general agent based framework we propose new si-mulation-based optimization heuristics to given scheduling problems. Two of the described op-timization algorithms are implemented using agents. This paper highlights the advantages of the agent-based approach, like the reduction in layout complexity, improved control of complicated systems, and extendability. Hjorth A., Wilensky U. (2014). Redesigning Your City – A Constructionist Environment for Urban Planning Education // Proceedings of Constructionism 2014, Vienna, August, pp.19-23. Hjorth A., Wilensky U. (2014). Redesigning Your City – A Constructionist Environment for Urban Planning Education // Informatics in Education-An International Journal, (Vol. 13_2), 197-208. Chicago. Hjorth A., Wilensky U. (2014). Re-grow Your City – a NetLogo curriculum unit on Regional Development // In J.L. Polman, E.A. Kyza, D.K. O'Neill, I. Tabak, W.R. Penuel, A.S. Jurow, K. O'Connor, T. Lee & L.D'Amico (Eds.), Proceedings of «Learning and Becoming in Practice», the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014 (Vol. 3, pp. 1553-1555). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences. Hjorth A., Wilensky U., Villamar J., Brown H. (2014). Using Agent-Based Modeling to Explore and Visualize the Effects of Prevention Implementation Strategies for Policy // In Computational and Technical Approaches to Improve the Implementation of Prevention Programs. Panel chaired by Dr. Hendricks Brown at 7th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation. Bethesda, MD. Horn M., Brady C., Hjorth A., Wagh A., Wilensky U. (2014). Frog Pond: A code first learning environment on natural selection and evolution // Proceedings of IDC 2014. Horn M.S., Weintrop D., Routman E. (2014). Programming in the Pond: A Tabletop Computer Programming Exhibit // In Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 32nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1417-1422). New York, NY, USA: ACM. Francois van Huyssteen Simulation provides insight needed to balance warehouse in/outbound demand // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.4183-4184. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Hyeong Suk Na, Amarnath Banerjee An agent-based discrete event simulation approach for modeling large-scale disaster evacuation network // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1516-1526. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.The need for appropriate evacuation strategies is always a daunting problem when confronted with a large-scale natural disaster. The challenge is to find a policy that maximizes the number of survivors and minimizes the total cost simultaneously under a set of resource and geographic constraints. We develop an agent-based discrete event simulation (ABDES) evacuation frame-work based on an embedded geographic information system (GIS) module to solve a network evacuation problem that involves multiple candidate shelters, multi-priorities evacuees and sev-eral vehicle types. The evacuation framework consists of three interacting components: a disaster scenario generator module, a GIS module for analyzing an evacuation network, and an ABDES module. We conduct experiments using the city of Galveston as an example. The evacuation framework offers insight to decision-makers about the number and location of shelters, allocation and assignment of evacuation vehicles, and distribution of relief resources that are required to complete a large-scale evacuation. Ivutin A.N., Larkin E.V., Lutskov Y.I., Novikov A.S. Simulation of concurrent process with Petri-Markov nets // Life Science Journal. 2014. ¹11, URL: lifesciencesite.com/lsj/life1111/086_25899life111114_506_511.pdf. Izquierdo L.R., Izquierdo S.S., Vega-Redondo F. (2014). Leave and let leave: A sufficient condition to explain the evolutionary emergence of cooperation // Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 46, pp. 91–113. Jadric M., Cukusic M., Bralic A. Comparison of discrete event simulation tools in an academic environment // Croatian Operational Research Review. – 2014. – ¹5. – PÐ. 203–219. Jaume Figueras i Jové, Antoni Guasch i Petit, Pau Fonseca i Casas, Jo-sep Casanovas-Garcia Teaching system modelling and simulation through petri nets and ARENA // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.3362-3673. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This paper describes our experience teaching discrete-event simulation to several Engineering branches and Computer Science students. In our courses we emphasize the importance of con-ceptual modelling rather than the simulation tools used to build a model. We think that in dis-crete-event simulation university courses it is more important to provide knowledge to students to develop and analyze conceptual models than focusing in a specific simulation tool that will be industry dependent. Focusing in conceptual modelling with the support of a well-known simula-tion software provide the student with skills to create a model and then translate it to any simula-tor. Our courses use the Petri Net (PN) methodology by incrementing the complexity of models and PN using: Place-Transition PN, Timed PN and Colored Timed PN. A PN simulator is used to analyze the conceptual model and different rules and procedures are provided to match PN conceptual model to Arena simulation software. Jona K., Wilensky U., Trouille L., Horn M. S., Orton K., Weintrop D., Beheshti E. (2014). Embedding Computational Thinking in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (CT-STEM) // Presented at the 2014 CE21 PI and Community Meeting, Orlando, FL. Kanduc Tadej, Rodic Blaz. Automated simulation model building for a complex furniture manufacturing process // ERK'2014, Portorož, A:159-162.In this paper we present the first part of a project of flexible manufacturing process optimisation in a Slovenian furniture company. In this part we analysed the current state of the manufacturing system by constructing a discrete event simulation model that reflects the manufacturing processes. Kautz M, Muhammad AI, Schopf R. (2014). Individual traits as drivers of spatial dispersal and infestation patterns in a host-bark beetle system // Ecological Modelling, 273, pp.264-276. Konovalov M.G. 2014. Building a simulation model for solving scheduling problems of computing resources // Systems and Means of Informatics. Vol. 24. No. 4. Pp. 45–62. (in Russian). Konovalov M., Razumchik R. 2014. Simulation Of Task Distribution In Parallel Processing Systems // Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems. Pp. 657–663. Korenkov V.V., Nechaevskiy A.V., Ososkov G.A Pryahina D.I., Trofimov V.V., Uzhinskiy A.V. Simulation of Grid and Cloud Services as the Means of Improvement of Their Development Efficiency // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol.1297, 2014, p.13–19. Labarbe E., Thiel D. (2014). Information Sharing to Reduce Misperceptions of Interactions Among Complementary Projects: A Multi-Agent Approach // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (1): 9.Lee K., Lee H., Kim C.O. (2014). Pricing and Timing Strategies for New Product Using Agent-Based Simulation of Behavioural Consumers // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (2): 1. Lee T., Yao R., Coker P. (2014). An analysis of UK policies for domestic energy reduction using an agent based tool // Energy Policy, 66, pp.267-279. Leon F.J., Miguel F.J., Alcaide V. (2014). The Production of Step-Level Public Goods in Structured Social Networks: An Agent-Based Simulation // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (1): 4.This paper presents a multi-agent simulation of the production of step-level public goods in social networks. Ligmann-Zielinska A., Kramer D.B., Cheruvelil K.S., Soranno P.A. (2014). using uncertainty and sensitivity analyses in socioecological agent-based models to improve their analytical performance and policy relevance // PloS one, 9(10), 235–247. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0109779.Lim D., Lee H., Zo H., Ciganek A. (2014). Opinion Formation in the Digital Divide // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (1): 13.Natalia N. Lychkina, Yulia A. Morozova Dynamic simulation of Pension system development processes - Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ îáùåñòâà ñèñòåìíîé äèíàìèêè, Äåëôò, Íèäåðëàíäû. 2014 ã. System Dynamics Society, Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference, July 20-24, 2014 Delft, Netherlands, p. 83. Lynch S.C., Ferguson J. (2014). Reasoning about Complexity – Software Models as External Representations // Proceedings of the 25th Workshop of The Psychology of Programming Interest Group, Brighton, UK. June 2014. Charles Macal, Michael North Introductory tutorial: agent-based mod-eling and simulation // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Agent-based simulation (ABS) is an approach to modeling systems comprised of individual, au-tonomous, interacting “agents.” Agent-based modeling offers ways to more easily model indi-vidual behaviors and how behaviors affect others in ways that have not been available before. There is much interest in developing agent-based models for many application problem domains. Applications range from modeling agent behavior in supply chains and the stock market, to pre-dicting the success of marketing campaigns and the spread of epidemics, to projecting the future needs of the healthcare system. Progress in the area suggests that ABS promises to have far-reaching effects on the way that businesses use computers to support decision-making and re-searchers use agent-based models as electronic laboratories to aid in discovery. This brief tutorial introduces agent-based modeling and simulation by describing the basic ideas of ABS, discuss-ing some applications, and addressing methods for developing agent-based models. Maldos J.P.A., de Figueiredo J.C.B. (2014). Projeto de Iniciação Científica: O Uso de Programacao Multiagente no Estudo da Difusao de Inovaçoes Tecnologicas. Andrey A. Malykhanov, Vitaliy E. Chernenko Simulation-based integrated decision support tool for potash mining operations // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.4142-4143. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Planning of potash mining operations requires consideration of many interacting machines, over-lapping maintenance activities, layout of mine field as well as capacity of ore bunkers and con-veyors. Integrated low-level simulation with user-friendly interface was developed to support monthly operations planning in Europe’s largest potash producer. In this presentation, an example of using simulation in operations planning is given and created decision support tool is demonstrated. Main challenges that were met and overcome during development of simulation-based decision support tool are also discussed. Maroulis S., Bakshy E., Gomez L., Wilensky U. (2014). Modeling the Transition to Public School Choice // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. Maroulis S., Wilensky U. (2014). Social and Task Interdependencies in the Street-Level Implementation of Innovation // Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Dave Marquis Case study: thermodynamic steam cycle simulation using SIMIO. Extended abstract // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.4170-4171. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Filipe Magri Martarello, Mariana Magri Marta-rello, Renata Carolina Boneto, William Zampieri de Camargo, Daniel de Oliveira Mota World cup 2014: crowd accommodation policy evaluation in a soccer stadium bleachers using simulation // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.3188-3199. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This case of study applied to the sports context (Gremio Arena Soccer in Brazil) has the objective to measure dynamically the time spent during the accommodation of fans in a stadium bleacher. The metric used to evaluate it was the occupation time. In this study it was considered four different occupation scenarios of the bleachers characterizing ways to drive fans to their seats. The selected scenarios were: random entry, entry driven by a dispatchers, numbered seats; numbered seats with dispatcher. Building experiments using the simulation software SIMIO it was observed that the policy based on the dispatcher results in a shorter total occupation time. Additionally, the research analyzed factors that could make difference, such as physical feasibility to support the large number of people, as well as cultural aspects. Maria E. Mayorga, Odette S. Reifsnider, Stephanie B. Wheeler, Rac-quel E. Kohler A discrete event simulation model to estimate population level health and economic impacts of smoking cessation interventions // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Si-mulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1257-1268. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.We design and develop a predictive model that estimates health and economic outcomes asso-ciated with smoking cessation interventions using discrete-event simulation (DES). Outcomes include estimates of sustained abstinence from smoking, quality of life years gained, cost of treatment, additional health-related morbidity due to long-term effects of smoking (e.g. lung can-cer, stroke), and cost-effectiveness of the various smoking cessation options. Interventions as-sessed include nicotine replacement therapy (patch or gum,), oral medication (bupropion and va-renicline), and abstinence without pharmacologic assistance. The DES approach allows us to ac-count for heterogeneity of patients and dynamic changes in disease progression. Results show that even a single quit attempt can be cost-effective over the patients’ lifetime. Furthermore, based on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios, varenicline dominates other treatments at 10 years, 30 years, and over the lifetime. Understanding the comparative effectiveness and cost of alternative smoking cessation strategies can improve clinical and patient decision-making. Medina F., Quesada F., Lozano V. (2014). The production of step-level public goods in structured social networks: an agent-based simulation // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 17 (1) 4. http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/17/1/4.html.Melisa Murcia, María J. Rivera, Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei, Olga L. Sarmiento A discrete-event simulation model to estimate the number of participants in the ciclovia program of Bogota // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simula-tion Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.2860-2871. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Open-Street Programs, also known as Ciclovia, are free multi-sectorial programs for people from different socio-economic backgrounds where public spaces and streets are closed to motorized traffic and open for leisure activities. Over the past three years the expansion rate of such pro-grams worldwide has dramatically increased due to their general benefits to public health and their resource-efficient implementation. Performance indicators of Ciclovia programs allow ana-lyzing the programs’ impact on public health. The number of participants is one of the key per-formance indicators, and thus its reliable estimation is crucial to measuring the cost-effectiveness of the programs for the cities and municipalities. Furthermore, a unified and flexible estimation methodology allows comparisons between programs. In this paper, we propose a discrete-event simulation model to estimate the number of participants in such programs. We apply our approach to a case study in the city of Bogota (Colombia), with the largest program in the world, where we estimate an average of 675,000 participants per day. We also perform a sensitivity analysis on the arrival rate and study its impact on the estimation. Mesbahi N. et al. An Agent-Based Modeling for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) //Advanced Approaches to Intelligent Information and Database Systems. – Springer International Publishing, 2014. – P. 225-234. Mikov A., Zamiatina E. Program Tools and Language for Networks Simulation and Analysis // Proceedings SDN & NFV – The Next Generation of Computational Infrastructure: 2014 International Science and Technology Conference «Modern Networking Technologies (MoNeTec)» October 27-29, 2014 Lomonosov Moscow State University pp. 94-102. Mikov A.I., Zamyatina E.B., Mikheev R.A. Towards the Flexibility of Software for Computer Network Simulation // Proceådings of the 18th International Conference on Computers (part of CSCC '14) Advances in information science and applications - volumes I & II, Santorini Island, Greece, July 17-21, 2014, Edited by Prof. Nikos Mastorakis, ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8, pp.391-397. Nevolina A.L., Aksyonova O.P., Smoliy E.F. Development of simulation systems and decision-making method in the logistic field // 24th Int. Crimean Conference - Microwave & Telecommunication Technology‖ (CriMiCo’2014). 7-13 September, Sevastopol. Vol. 1. P.435-436. Oremland M., Laubenbacher R. (2014). Optimization of Agent-Based Models: Scaling Methods and Heuristic Algorithms // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (2): 6. Jeremy Parsons, Daniel Leonard Using discrete event simulation to model fluid commodity use by the space launch system // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.2954-2965. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.In May 2013, NASA requested a study to develop a discrete event simulation (DES) model that analyzes the launch campaign process of the Space Launch System (SLS) from an integrated commodities perspective. The scope of the study includes launch countdown and scrub turna-round and focuses on four core launch commodities: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and helium. Previously, the commodities were only analyzed individually and deterministically for their launch support capability, but this study was the first to integrate them to examine the impact of their interactions on a launch campaign as well as the effects of process variability on commodity availability. The model utilized the flow process modules in Rockwell Arena to simulate the commodity flows and calculate total use. The study produced a validated DES model that showed that Kennedy Space Center’s ground systems were capable of supporting a 48-hour scrub turnaround for the SLS. Pluchino A., Garofalo C., Inturri G., Rapisarda A., Ignaccolo M. (2014). Agent-Based Simulation of Pedestrian Behaviour in Closed Spaces: A Museum Case Study // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (1): 16.
Luis Rabelo, Liliana Cruz, Sayli Bhide, Oloruntomi Joledo, John Pastrana, Petros Xanthopoulos Analysis of the expansion of the panama canal using simulation modeling and artificial intelligence // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.910-921. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This paper presents preliminary analysis of the Panama Canal Expansion from the viewpoint of salinity in the Gatun Lake and the utilization of neural networks. This analysis utilized simulation modeling and artificial intelligence. We have built several discrete and system dynamics si-mulation models of the current Panama Canal operations and the future expansion which have been validated with historical and projected data and Turing/expert validation by engineers of the Panama Canal Authority. The simulation models have been exercised in order to generate enough information about the future expansion. This information has been used to develop neural networks that have the capability to indicate the volume of the Gatun Lake and its respective salinity taking into consideration lockages, spillovers, hydropower generation, fresh water supply volumes, and environmental factors such as precipitation, tides, and evaporation. Support vector machines were used to build time series regression models of the evaporation of Gatun Lake. Cíntia de Lima Rangel, João José de Assis Rangel, Janaína Ribeiro do Nascimento Discrete Event simulation for didactic support resource // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.3596-3607. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This paper presents the evaluation of a Discrete Event Simulation model constructed to assist a teacher in the explanation of high school class content. The model was built using the free version of the Arena software after that teacher receives basic training for its use. The model was feasible, both financially and from the results presented. The results showed that the use of the simulation model can provide an increase in learning for students with more difficulty. Rhee Jerry, Nejad Talisa Mohammad, Comets Olivier, Flannery Sean, Gulsoy Eine Begum, Iannaccone Philip, and Foster Craig. (2014). Promoting Convergence: The Phi Spiral in Abduction of Mouse Corneal Behaviors // In Complexity. Pp.22-38.Robert G. Sargent Verifying and validating simulation models // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.118-131. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.In this paper verification and validation of simulation models are discussed. Different approaches to deciding model validity are described and a graphical paradigm that relates verification and validation to the model development process is presented and explained. Conceptual model va-lidity, model verification, operational validity, and data validity are discussed and a recommend-ed procedure for model validation is presented. Markus Scheffer, Tobias Rahm, Ruben Duhme, Markus Thewes, Markus Konig Jobsite logistic simulation in mechanized tunneling // In «Pro-ceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryz-hov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1843-1854. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Projects in mechanized tunneling frequently do not reach their targeted production performance. Reasons are often related to an undersized or disturbed supply-chain management of the surface jobsite. Due to the sensitive interaction of production and logistic processes, planning and ana-lyzing the supply-chain is a challenging task. Transparent evaluation of chosen logistic strategies or project setups can be achieved by application of process simulation. This paper presents the continued work of a simulation approach to analyze the complex system of mechanized tunne-ling. Special focus of this publication lies on the internal logistic as a part of the jobsite supply-chain. The generic implementation allows a flexible configuration of jobsite elements to compare possible setups. A case study demonstrates the approach and highlights the sensitive interaction of production and logistic processes under the influence of disturbances. Additionally, improve-ments to the original setup of the case study’s construction equipment can be derived. Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner, Jeffrey S. Smith Inside discrete-event simulation software: how it works and why it matters // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.132-146. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This paper provides simulation practitioners and consumers with a grounding in how discrete-event simulation software works. Topics include discrete-event systems; entities, resources, con-trol elements and operations; simulation runs; entity states; entity lists; and their management. The implementations of these generic ideas in AutoMod, SLX, ExtendSim, and Simio are de-scribed. The paper concludes with several examples of “why it matters” for modelers to know how their simulation software works, including discus-sion of AutoMod, SLX, ExtendSim, Si-mio, Arena, ProModel, and GPSS/H. Herbert J.L. Schroer, Francesco Corman, Mark B. Duinkerken, Rudy R. Negenborn, Gabriel Lodewijks Evaluation of inter terminal trans-port configurations at rotterdam maasvlakte using discrete event simulation // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1771-1782. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.In this paper, various Inter Terminal Transport (ITT) systems for the Port of Rotterdam are eva-luated. The Port Authority is investigating possible solutions for the transport of containers be-tween terminals at the existing so-called Maasvlakte 1 and new Maasvlakte 2 areas within the port. A discrete event simulation model is presented that incorporates traffic modeling, which means that delays occurring due to traffic will have an impact on the system’s performance. The model is applied to four different ITT vehicle configurations, including Automated Guided Ve-hicles, Automated Lifting Vehicles, Multi Trailer Systems and a combination of barges and trucks. Furthermore, three realistic demand scenarios for the year 2030 are used for the analysis. Mariana T. Sebastiani, Ricardo Lüders, Keiko Verônica O. Fonseca Allocation of charging stations in an electric vehicle network using simulation optimization // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.1073-1083. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Growing concerns with environmental issues have led to the consideration of alternatives to ur-ban mobility. Among available options, electric vehicles have been considered in advantage in terms of sustainability as well as emission of pollutants. This work presents an optimized solution to allocate electric charging stations based on a simplified traffic model for urban mobility and vehicles’ energy consumption. It is particularly interesting for prototypes and initial studies on deploying charging stations. A discrete event simulation is built in Arena and an optimization is implemented with OptQuest package. The simulation model considers stochastic information whose characterization is difficult to obtain for particular cases. The results show that there are several variables that can be correctly determined to avoid prohibitive costs in the deployment of charging stations. Serova Elena Architectural design of sustainable information systems // British Academy of Management (BAM). BAM2014 Conference Proceedings. Belfast, Northrn Ireland. September 2014.The theory of the information society considers the information and media as the primary source of social development. At present the use of the latest achievements in the field of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in economy and management, including the contemporary methods and tools of computer modelling is one of the key factors in improving organizational performance and increasing its competitiveness. This paper focuses on the various modelling methods and techniques that are employed in the design of management information systems (MIS) architecture. Its goal is to evaluate the role of modelling for spatiotemporal analysis of marketing information system. The paper also considers the main features of soft computing (neural network and fuzzy logic) and discusses its implementation for design of sustainable adaptive architecture of spatial information system. It does so from a research base that draws from theoretical underpinnings as well as international and domestic industry practices. Shaker N., Togelius J., Nelson M.J. (2014). Procedural Content Generation in Games: A textbook and an overview of current research // Springer Publishing. Shepherd S.P. A review of system dynamics models applied in transportation // Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. 2014. Vol. 2, ¹ 2. P. 83-105. Wesley A. Sheppard Jr., Alan W. Johnson, John O. Miller Simulating F-22 heavy maintenance and modifications workforce multi-skilling // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.2270-2279. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.The U.S. Air Force aircraft maintenance depots face complex operating environments due to the diversity of aircraft or mission design series (MDS) maintained by each depot and the variability of maintenance requirements for each MDS. Further complicating their operations is the variabil-ity of maintenance actions required from one aircraft to another within each MDS and a highly specialized workforce that has inherent inflexibility to compensate for the workload variability. Air Force Materiel Command is reviewing maintenance personnel multi-skilling as a method to efficiently absorb the variability of workload and maintenance requirements between aircraft. Using a simulation built in ARENA 14, we studied the F-22 Heavy Maintenance Modification Program through a series of designed experiments. Our study analyzes whether using a multi-skilled workforce impacts the productivity of depot maintenance personnel through simulation of several multi-skilling policies. Sie R., Sloep P.B., Bitter-Rijpkema M. (2014). If We Work Together, I Will Have Greater Power: Coalitions in Networked Innovation // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (1): 3. (Jan 2014).The present article uses agent-based social simulation to study rational behaviour in networked innovation. A simulation model that includes network characteristics and network participant's characteristics is run using parameter sweeping, yielding 1450 simulation cases. Jason Southerland, Andrew Loerch Using simulation and optimization to inform army force structure reduction decisions // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simula-tion Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.2280-2288. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.Given constraints dictated by the current fiscal environment, the Army has been directed to re-duce its total personnel strength from around 1.05 million across the active duty, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve, to a maximum of around 980 thousand personnel. In particular, the active duty Army will have to drawdown to around 450 thousand personnel. In this paper we discuss a methodology the Army is using to help inform decisions about how to execute this drawdown. We describe a simulation-based optimization that identifies potential cuts to a large subset of the active duty Army’s total strength. Soylu F., Brady C., Holbert N., Wilensky U. (2014) The thinking hand: Embodiment of tool use, social cognition and metaphorical thinking and implications for learning design // Paper presented at the AERA Annual Meeting (SIG: Brain, Neurosciences, and Education), Philadelphia, PA: April, 2014. Takagi H. Waiting Time in the M/M/m/(m+c) Queue with Impatient Customers // Int. J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2014. V. 90. No. 4. P. 519−559. Timothy Sprock, Leon F. McGinnis Simulation model generation of discrete event logistics systems (dels) using software design patterns // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.2714-2725. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.To provide automated access from a formal system model to multiple analysis tools, such as dis-crete event simulation or optimization, we extend current model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methodologies by introducing a new model to model transformation method based on object-oriented creational patterns from software design. Implemented in MATLAB’s discrete event simulation tool, SimEvents, we demonstrate the methodology by generating two distinct use cases based on a distribution supply chain and manufacturing system. Stroup W., Wilensky U. (2014). On the Embedded Complementarity of Agent-Based and Aggregate Reasoning in Students' Developing Understanding of Dynamic Systems // Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 19(1-2). David T. Sturrock Tutorial: tips for successful practice of simulation // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.90-97. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.A simulation project is much more than building a model and the skills required for success go well beyond knowing a particular simulation tool. A 30 year veteran discusses some important steps to enable project success and some cautions and tips to help avoid common traps. This con-tent is similar to presentations given at previous WSC conferences. Szilagyi M.N. (2014). Solution of partial differential equations by agent-based simulation // European Journal of Physics 35, 018003, 1-4. Terlunen S., Horstkemper D., Hellingrath B. Adaption of the discrete rate-based simulation paradigm for tactical supply chain decisions // Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE, Inc., Piscataway, NY. — 2014. — P. 2060–2071. Renee M. Thiesing, C. Dennis Pegden Introduction to SIMIO // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.4192-4201. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA.This paper describes the Simio modeling system that is designed to simplify model building by promoting a modeling paradigm shift from the process orientation to an object orientation. Simio is a simulation modeling framework based on intelligent objects. The intelligent objects are built by modelers and then may be reused in multiple modeling projects. Although the Simio framework is focused on object-based modeling, it also supports a seamless use of multiple modeling paradigms including event, process, object, systems dynamics, agent-based modeling, and Risk-based Planning and scheduling. Troitzsch K.G. (2014). Simulation experiments and significance testsñ // In: Artificial economics and self-organization, 669 of lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems. Springer International Publishing, 17–29. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-00912-4.Vasileva, S., A. Kulchiar. Options of GPSS World for integrated demonstration models in the educational process. // Proceedings of 2014 Science and Information Conference SAI 2014, 27-29 August 2014, London, United Kingdom, pp. 933-937, Abstract available at: link. Vasileva S., A. Milev. Comparative Simulating Analysis îf Timestamp Ordering ànd Two-Version Two Phase Locking in Distributed Databases. Science. Education. Innovation International Journal Scientific and applied research, Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 27-38. Available at: link. Wagh A., Wilensky U. (2014). EvoBuild: Programming models of evolutionary change using blocks // Poster presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the AERA, Philadelphia. Wagh A., Wilensky U. (2014). Seeing patterns of change: Supporting student noticing in building models of natural selection // Proceedings of 2014 Constructionism, Vienna, Aug 19-23. Wang Y., Zhang X. Research on transport capacity of urban rail transit based on RailSys // Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT2013)-Volume II. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. pp. 235-241.
Wilensky U. (2014). Computational Thinking through Modeling and Simulation // Whitepaper presented at the summit on Future Directions in Computer Education. Orlando, FL. Jan 8-9, 2014.
Wilensky, Brady & Horn. (2014). Fostering Computational Literacy in Science Classrooms // Communications of the ACM.
Wilensky U., Jacobson M. (In press). Complex Systems in the Learning Sciences // In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (2nd Edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Wilkerson-Jerde M.H., Wilensky U. (2014). Patterns, probabilities, and people: Making sense of quantitative change in complex systems // Online First in Journal of the Learning Sciences. doi:10.1080/10508406.2014.976647.
Edward J. Williams Imulation attacks manufacturing challenges // In «Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference», edited by A. Tolk, S.Y. Diallo, I.O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S.Buckley, and J.A. Miller. P.81-89. Savannah, øòàò Äæîðäæèÿ, USA. All during the past half-century, the environment of computing applications has evolved from large, comparatively slow mainframes with storage small and expensive by today’s standards to desktops, laptops, cloud computing, fast computation, graphical capabilities, and capacious flash drives carried in pocket or purse. All this time, discrete-event process simulation has steadily grown in power, ease of application, availability of expertise, and breadth of applications to business challenges in manufacturing, supply chain operations, health care, call centers, retailing, transport networks, and more. Manufacturing applications were among the first, and are now among the most frequent and most beneficial, applications of simulation. In this paper, the road, from newcomer to simulation in manufacturing to contented beneficiary of its regular and routine use, is mapped and signposted.
Xu B., Liu R., Liu W. (2014). Individual Bias and Organizational Objectivity: An Agent-Based Simulation // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (2): 2. (March 2014).
Zadorozhnyi V.N. Simulation modeling of fractal queues, in Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics), 2014, December, 2014, pp 1-4. DOI: 10.1109 / Dynamics. – 2014.
Zhang H., Li Y. (2014). Agent-Based Simulation of the Search Behavior in China's Resale Housing Market: Evidence from Beijing // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 17 (1): 18. (Jan 2014).