Статьи 2021 года (P...Z)
Page E.H., Thompson J.R., Koehler M. Sic semper simulation – balancing simplicity and complexity in modeling and analysis // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Pahl C.C., Ruedas L.A. (2021). Carnosaurs as apex scavengers: Agent-based simulations reveal possible vulture analogues in late Jurassic Dinosaurs // Ecological Modelling, 458, 109706. Pan Y., Xu Z., Guang J., Chen X., Dai J.G., Sun J., Wang C., Zhang X., Shi P., etc. A high-fidelity, machine-learning enhanced queueing network simulation model for hospital ultrasound operations // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Papageorgiou A., Olvander J., Amadori K., Jouannet C. (2021). 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Rosenstrom E., Ivy J., Mayorga M., Swann J., Oruc B.E., Keskinocak P., Hupert N. High-quality masks reduce Covid-19 infections and death in the US // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Roungas B., Raghothama J., Baena M., Ros O.G.-C., Alcolea R., Herranz R. Technology adoption in air traffic management: a combination of agent-based modeling with behavioral economics // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Saifutdinov F., Tolujevs J. (2021). Time and space discretization in the digital twin of the airport transport network // Transport and Telecommunication Journal, 22(3), 257-265. https://doi.org/10.2478/ttj-2021-0019.Saleh N., Bell D., Sulaiman Z. Hybrid conceptual modeling for simulation: an ontology approach during Covid-19 // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Sandoval-Felix J., Castanon-Puga M., Gaxiola-Pacheco C.G. (2021). Analyzing urban public policies of the city of ensenada in mexico using an attractive land footprint agent-based model // Sustainability, 13(2), 714. Savrasovs M., Yatskiv I., Tolujevs J., Jackson I. Simulation as a decision support tool for airport planning: Riga international airport case study // Transport, 2021, 36(6): 474-485. https://doi.org/10.3846/transport.2021.16198.Schaffel S., Bourque F.-A., Wesolkowski S. Modelling the mentee-mentor population dynamics: continuous and discrete approaches // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Scharrer D., Pruckner M., Bazan P., German R. Dynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis of a stratified heat storage coupled with a heat pump and an organic rankine cycle // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Schon S., Marcus C., Amadori K., Jouannet C. (2021). Integration of multi-fidelity models with agent-based simulation for system of systems // In AIAA AVIATION 2021 Forum (p. 2996). Schoville B.J., Brown K.S., Wilkins J. (2021). A lithic provisioning model as a proxy for landscape mobility in the Southern and Middle Kalahari // Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 1-26. Schultz M., Luo M., Lubig D., Mota M.M., Scala P. COVID-19-related challenges for new normality in airport terminal operations // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Seiringer W., Altendorfer K., Castaneda J., Panadero J., Juan A.A. Applying simheuristics for safety stock and planned lead time optimization in a rolling horizon MRP system under uncertainty // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Sengupta S., Scheffran J., Kovalevsky D. (2021, April). A single-agent urban coastal adaptation model: Adaptive decision-making within the VIABLE modeling framework // In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-12752). Serova E., Shklyaev D. Systems of distributed artificial intelligence for analysis of oil product transportation processes: Evidence from Russia // International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2021; 17 (2/3). Shaaban M., Scheffran J. (2021). A dynamic-agent-based sustainability assessment of energy systems // In Energy Systems Evaluation, Volume 1, pp. 161-181. Springer, Cham. Shao H., Abdelzaher T., Han J., Jiang M., Mao Y., Meng Y., Qiu W., Sun D, etc. Simulating online social response: a stimulus/response perspective // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.Sharifi M., Abhari A., Taghipour S. A queueing model for video analytics applications of smart cities // Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, M. Loper, eds. December 12-15, 2021. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
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