Articles 2007 (A...Z)

Abrahamson D., Wilensky U. (2007). Learning Axes and Bridging Tools in a Technology-Based Design for Statistics // International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning. 12(1), pp.23-55.

Abrahamson D., Blikstein P., Wilensky U. (2007). Classroom Model, Model Classroom: Computer-Supported Methodology for Investigating Collaborative-Learning Pedagogy // Proceedings of the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning conference, New Brunswick, NJ.

Abrahamson D., Wilensky U., Levin J. (2007). Agent-Based Modeling as a Bridge Between Cognitive and Social Perspectives on Learning // In D. Abrahamson (Org.), Learning Complexity: Agent-Based Modeling Supporting Education Research on Student Cognition in Social Contexts. Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.

Aksyonov K.A., Smoliy E.F., Goncharova N.V., Khrenov A.A. Development of Multi Agent Simulation Modeling System «BPsim2» // Proceedings of the EUROCON 2007. The International Conference on «Computer as a Tool» Poland, Warsaw. 2007. p.2172 – 2176.
Разработка мультиагентной системы BPsim2.

Bakshy E., Wilensky U. (2007). Turtle Histories and Alternate Universes; Exploratory Modeling with NetLogo and Mathematica // In M. J. North, C. M. Macal & D. L. Sallach (Eds.), Proceedings of the Agent 2007 Conference on Complex Interaction and Social Emergence (pp. 147-158). IL: Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University.
This paper presents the design of a development platform integrating NetLogo, a multiagent programmable modeling environment with the Mathematica scientific computing environment. We will discuss the affordances of such environments, which can simplify and enrich the research process for agent-based modelers.

Barra J., Ferreira A., Leal F., Silva F. (2007). Application of design of experiments on the simulation of a process in an automotive industry. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1601-1609.

Billari Francesco C., Prskawetz Alexia, Diaz Belinda Aparicio, Fent Thomas. The «Wedding- Ring»: An agent-based marriage model based on social interaction // Demographic Research (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany), 2007. Vol. 17, Article 3. P. 59–82.

Blikstein P., Abrahamson D., Wilensky U. (2007). Multi-agent simulation as a tool for investigating cognitive-developmental theory // Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.

Blikstein P., Rand W., Wilensky U. (2007). Just a Cog in the Machine: Participatory Robotics as a Powerful Tool for Understanding Collaborative Learning // Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Rutgers University, Rutgers, NJ, USA.

Blikstein P., Rand W., Wilensky U. (2007). Examining group behavior and collaboration using ABM and robots // In M. J. North, C. M. Macal & D. L. Sallach (Eds.), Proceedings of the Agent 2007 Conference on Complex Interaction and Social Emergence (pp. 159-172). IL: Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University.

Blikstein P., Wilensky U. (2007). Bifocal modeling: a framework for combining computer modeling, robotics and real-world sensing // Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.

Blikstein P., Wilensky U. (2007). Modeling manifold epistemological stances with agent-based computer simulation // Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.

Bryson J., Ando Y., Lehmann H. (2007). Agent-based modelling as scientific method: A case study analysing primate social behavior // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 362, pp.1685-1695.

Capizzo M.C., Bonura A., Fazio C. (2007). Characteristic Properties of Semiconductors Through Experiments and Modelling // Paper presented at GIREP EPEC Conference Frontiers of Physics Education, 26-31 August, 2007, Opatija, Croatia.

Cellier Francois E., Claub Christoph, Urquía Alfonso. Electronic circuit modeling and simulation in Modelica // Proc. EUROSIM 2007 (B. Zupancic, R. Karba, S. Blazic), 9-13 Sept. 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Christian Almeder, Margaretha Preusse. A Toolbox for Simulation-based Optimization of Supply Chains // Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, p. 1932-1939.

Damaceanu R-C. (2007). An agent-based computational study of wealth distribution in function of resource growth interval using NetLogo // Applied Mathematics & Computation, Vol 12 (43).

Dayana Cope, Mohamed Sam Fayez, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, Assem Kaylani. Supply Chain Simulation Modeling Made Easy: An Innovative Approach // Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, p. 1887-1896.

Doi M., Kawaguchi I. (2007). Ecological impacts of umbrella effects of radiation on the individual members // Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 96(1-3), pp.32-38.

Fioroni, M. M., L.A.G. Franzese, J. Furia, L.T. Perfetti, D. Leonardo, N.L. Silva, and C.E. Zanin. 2007. Simulation of Continuous Behavior Using Discrete Tools: Ore Conveyor Transport // In Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, edited by S. G. Henderson, B. Biller, M.-H Hsieh, J. Shortle, J. D. Tew, and R. R. Barton, 1977-1985. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Fitzek, Frank H.P., Katz, Marcos D. (2007). Cognitive Wireless Networks // Springer.

Forrester J.W. A recollection of the history and reflections for the future at the golden anniversary of the field // System Dynamics Review. 2007. Vol. 23, No. 2-3. P. 345-358.

Forrester J. System dynamics – a personal view of the first fifty years // System Dynamics Review. 2007. Vol. 23. Pp. 345–358.

Goldsman D. (2007). Introduction to Simulation. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 26-37.

Gorodetskiy V., Karsaev O., Samoilov V. Infrastructural issues for agent-based distributed learning // Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2006 Workshops Proceedings). Hong Kong. 2007. P. 3-6.

Greenland Arnold, Connors David, Guyton John L., Morrison Erica Layne, Sebastiani Michael. IRS post-filing processes simulation modeling: a comparison of des with econometric micro simulation in tax administration // Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference S. G. Henderson, B. Biller, M.-H. Hsieh, J. Shortle, J. D. Tew, and R. R. Barton, eds., P.1268-1274.
This paper discusses the development of the Discrete Event Simulation (DES) Post-filing Model and compares micro simulation and DES approaches from the perspectives of policy measurement, flexibility and reporting by IRS analysts.

Hongwei Ding, Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Minmin Qiu, Changrui Ren. IBM Supply-chain Network Optimization Workbench: An Integrated Optimization and Simulation Tool for Supply Chain Design // Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, p. 1940-1946.

Hundhausen C.D., Brown J.L. (2007). What You See Is What You Code: A «live» algorithm development and visualization environment for novice learners // Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 18(1), pp.22-47.

Ivashkin Yu.A., Sheshenina L.A. Multiagent Simulation of the industrial refrigerator material flows // Proceedings of the 6th EuroSim Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 9-13 September 2007, Volume 2, Ljubljana: Tiskarna Plesko d.o.o., 94 p.

Juan A., Faulin J., Marques J., Sorroche M. (2007). J-SAEDES: A java-based simulation software to improve reliability and availability of computer systems and networks. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2285-2292.

Izquierdo S.S., Izquierdo L.R. (2007). The impact of quality uncertainty without asymmetric information on market efficiency // Journal of Business Research, Volume 60, Issue 8, pp. 858-867.

Johnson I.D. (2007). Mathematical modeling with NetLogo: Cognitive demand and fidelity // Retrieved February 25, 2010.

Jurenoks V., Jansons V., Didenko K. Modelling of financial stability in logistics in conditions of uncertainty // 21-st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, June 4–6, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007, p.30-36.

Jurenoks V., Jansons V., Didenko K. Modelling of Multimodal Flows in Logistic Using of Nonparametric Method // International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference, MAS 2007, October 4–6, Bergeggi, Italy, 2007, p.376-381.

Kahn K. (2007). Building computer models from small pieces // In Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (San Diego, California, July 16 - 19, 2007). Summer Computer Simulation Conference (931-936). San Diego, CA: Society for Computer Simulation International.

Kahn K. (2007). Comparing Multi-Agent Models Composed from Micro-Behaviours // Retrieved February 25, 2010.

Katzper M. (2007). Roles for autonomous physiologic agents; an oxygen supply and demand example // Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come, pp.1483-1486.

Kelton D. (2007). Representing and generating uncertainty effectively. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 38-42.

Kone M., Berlanga, Sloep P.B., Koper R. (2007). A Learning Community Simulation // Retrieved February 25, 2010.

Kopytov, E., Greenglaz, L., Muravjov, A. and E. Puzinkevich Modeling of two strategies in inventory control system with random lead time and demand // In: Computer Modelling & New Technologies, Vol. 11(1). Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2007, pp. 21-30.

König M., Beissert U., Steinhauer, D., Bargstädt H.-J. Constraint based simulation of outfitting processes in shipbuilding and civil engineering // 6th EuroSim Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Ljubljana, 2007.

Kornhauser D., Rand W., Wilensky U. Visualization tools for agent-based modeling in NetLogo // 2007 г.

Kornhauser D., Rand W., Wilensky U. (2007). Visualization Tools for Agent-Based Modeling in NetLogo // Paper presented at Agent2007, Chicago, November 15-17.

Krahl, D. ExtendSim 7 // In Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Winter Simulation:
40 years! USA, December 09–12, 2007 (pp. 226–232). Washington D.C., USA.

Lam R. (2007). Agent-based simulations of service policy decisions // Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come.

Law A. (2007). Statistical analysis of simulation output data: the practical state of the art. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 77-83.

Levy S.T., Wilensky U. (2007). Action across levels (AAL): A multiple levels perspective on what it means to make sense of complex systems // Paper presented at the EARLI 2007 conference, Budapest, Hungary, September 2007.

Levy S., Wilensky U. (2007). How do I get there...straight, oscillate or inch? High-school students' exploration patterns of Connected Chemistry // Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.

Lyneis J.M., Ford D.N. System dynamics applied to project management: A survey, assessment, and directions for future research // System Dynamics Review. Vol. 23. 2007, no. 2-3. Pp. 157-189.

Macal Ch.M., North M.J. Agent-based modeling and simulation: desktop ABMS // Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference. – pp. 95-106.

Mikov A., Zamyatina E., Firsov A.: Software for Remote Parallel Simulation. International Journal «Information Theories & Applications», Vol.14, № 4, p. 389-395, 2007.

Mikov A., Zamyatina E., Kubrak E. Implementation of simulation process under incomplete knowledge using domain ontology // Processing of the 6th EUROSIM congress on modeling and simulation (9–14 Sept. 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Volume 2, Tiskarna Pleˇsko, 2007, p. 426.

Milev, A., S. Vasileva. Simulation of algorithms for 2-phase locking in distributed databases // International Conference Automatics and Informatics’07, Conference Proceedings, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, vol. 1, pp.VI-47 – VI-49.

Miller J.H., Page S.E. (2007). Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life // Princeton University Press.

Momen S., Amavasai B.P., Siddique N.H. (2007). Mixed Species Flocking for Heterogeneous Robotic Swarms // IEEE Eurcon 2007, The International Conference on 'computer as a tool,' pp: 2329-2336.

Nechepurenko M.I., Okol’nishnikov V.V., Pishchik B.N. Simulation of complex engineering systems // Siberian J. Num. Math. / Sib. Branch of Russ. Acad. of Sci. –– Novosibirsk, 2007. –– Vol. 10, № 3. – p. 299–305.

Nedess C., Friedewald A., Wagner L. Modellierung und Simulation von Produktionsflächen im Schiffbau, PPS Management 12/2, 2007. pp.36-39.

Niazi M., Baif A.R. (2007). Phased Approach to Simulation of Security Algorithms for Ambient Intelligent (AmI) Environments // Winter Simulation Conference 07 (WSC07), PhD Student Colloquium, December 7-11, 2007.

North M.J., Macal C.M. (2007). Agent-based modeling and simulation: desktop ABMS // Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come.

Ottino-Loffler J., Rand W., Wilensky U. (2007). Coevolution of Predators and Prey in a Spatial Model // Paper presented at the GECCO 2007 Conference. London, England. July 7-11.

Pan X. et al. A multi-agent based framework for the simulation of human and social behaviors during emergency evacuations // Ai & Society. 2007. Vol. 22, N 2. Р. 113-132.

Pegden C. Dennis SIMIO: a new simulation system based on intelligent objects // Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference S. G. Henderson, B. Biller, M.-H. Hsieh, J. Shortle, J. D. Tew, and R. R. Barton, eds. C.2293-2300.

Petriu, D.B., Woodside, M.: An intermediate metamodel with scenarios and resources for generating performance models from UML designs. In: Software and Systems Modeling, Volume 6, Issue - 2. (2007) 163-184.

Rand W., Sondahl F. (2007). The El Farol Bar Poblem and Computational Effort: Why People Fail to Use Bars Efficiently // In M. J. North, C. M. Macal & D. L. Sallach (Eds.), Proceedings of the Agent 2007 Conference on Complex Interaction and Social Emergence (pp. 71-86). IL: Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University.

Rand W., Wilensky U. (2007). Full-Spectrum Modeling: From Simplicity to Elaboration and Realism in Urban Pattern Formation // Paper presented at the North American Association Computational Social and Organization Sciences conference (NAACSOS), Atlanta, GA.

Sargent R. (2007). Verification and validation of simulation models. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 124-137.

Savrasovs, M. Development of Liepaja city macroscopic model for decision-making // Transport and Telecommunication, Vol. 8, No 2, 2007, pp. 38-46.

Savrasov, M., Toluyew, Y. Application of mesoscopic modelling for queuing systems research // In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference «Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication» / I. V. Kabashkin, I. V. Yatskiv (Eds.). Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, 2007. Riga: TTI, 2007, pp. 94-99.

Sengupta P., Wilkerson M., Wilensky U. (2007). On The Relationship Between Spatial Knowledge And Learning Electricity: Comparative Case Studies of Students Using 2D And 3D Emergent, Computational Learning Environments // Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.

Siebers P.O., Aickelin1 U., Celia H., Clegg C.W. Understanding retail productivity by simulating management practices // Proc. EUROSIM 2007, 9-13 Sept. 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. – pp. 101-112.

Sklar E. (2007). Software Review: NetLogo, a Multi-agent Simulation Environment // Artificial Life, 13, pp.303-311.

Sokolov B.V., Ivanov D., Kaeschel J. Integrated Modeling of Enterprise Networks // International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. 2007.

Sokolov B.V., Ivanov D., Kochel P. Designing virtual enterprises based on combined models of structure dynamics control // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on modern trends in logistics. Russia, St.-Petersburg, 2007.

Sokolov B.V., Verzilin D.N., Zaychik E.M., Ivanov D.A. Combined models of structure-dynamics control for information systems of virtual enterprises // The 2 German-Russian Workshop, Германия, г. Хемниц, 9–13 мая 2007. Proceedings.

Ståhl, I. 2007. Teaching simulation to business students summary of 30 years’ experience // In Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, eds. B. Biller, M.-H. Hsieh, J. Shortle, J. D. Tew, and R.Barton S. G. Henderson. 2327-2336. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Stamatopoulo I., Sakellariou I., Kefala P., Eleftheraki G. (2007). Formal Modelling for In-silico Experiments with Social Insect Colonies // Paper presented at the 11th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, 18-20 May 2007. Patras, Greece.

Steinhauer D. Interbranch cooperation for simulation of assembly procedures in outfitting of ships // Hansa, September, 2007. pp.40-42.

Sudhira H.S., Ramachandra T.V. (2007). Integrated Spatial Planning Support System for Managing Urban Sprawl // Reviewed Paper #199, In Conference Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Iguassu Falls, PR, Brazil.

Sudhira H.S., Ramachandra T.V. (2007). Modelling the dynamics of urban sprawl using system dynamics and agent-based models // International Conference on Framing Land Use Dynamics – II, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 18-20 April 2007.

Swain J.J. New Frontiers in Simulation, Biennial survey of discrete-event simulation software tools, OR/MS Today, 2007.

Tatara E., North M.J., Howe T., Collier N., Parker M. (2007). Building Models in Repast Symphony: A predator-prey example // Paper presented at NAACSOS 2007, Atlanta, GA.

Thompson J.W., Sorvig K. (2007). Sustainable Landscape Construction: A Guide to Green Building Outdoors // 2nd edition. Island Press.

Vasileva, S, P. Milev, B. Stoyanov. Some models of a distributed database management system with data replication. // Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computer systems and technologies, ACM, New York, NY, USA ©2007, Article No. 19, 5 p.

Wilensky U., Centola D. (2007). Simulated evolution: Facilitating students' understanding of the multiple levels of fitness through multi-agent modeling // Paper presented at the Evolution Challenges Conference. Phoenix, AZ. November 3, 2007.

Wilensky U., Rand W. (2007). Making models match: Replicating agent-based models // Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), 10(4).

Yatskiv, I., Yurshevich, E., Savrasov, M. Investigation of Riga transport node capacity on the basis of microscopic simulation // 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2007), Prague, Czech Republic, 2007, pp. 584 – 589.

Zhang T., Zhang D. (2007). Agent-based simulation of consumer purchase decision-making and the decoy effect // Journal of Business Research 60(8), pp.912-922.

Zhao C., Zhong N., Hao Y. (2007). AOC-by-Self-discovery Modeling and Simulation for HIV // In S. Istrail, P. Pevzner, and M. Waterman (Eds.), Life System Modeling and Simulation (4689/2007, 462-469). Springer: Netherlands.

Zimmer D. Enhancing Modelica towards variable structure systems. Proc. 1st International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools, Berlin, Germany, 61-70, 2007.
