Members - Individual

Aksyonov Konstantin Alexandrovich, Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer of chair the Automated control systems, Ural federal university of B.N.Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg.

Antonova G.M., Dr.Sci.Tech., senior lecturer, Leading scientific employee, Institute of problems of management of V.A.Trapeznikov of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Балухто Алексей Николаевич, д.т.н., старший научный сотрудник, ООО «НПЦ «Интелком», заместитель генерального директора, директор научно-технического центра, г. Юбилейный, Московская область.

Bakhtadze Nataliya Nikolaevna, Managing chair, professor, Dr.Sci.Tech., senior research assistant, Institute of problems of management of V.A.Trapeznikov of Russian Academy of Sciences, laboratory chief, Moscow.

Бродский Юрий Игоревич, к.ф.-м.н., доцент, Вычислительный Центр РАН, ведущий научный сотрудник, Москва.
Область научных интересов: имитационное моделирование сложных многокомпонентных систем, инструментальные средства имитационного моделирования, распределенные и параллельные вычисления, моделирование социальных процессов, оптимальное управление.

Василева Светлана Желязкова, доктор, доцент, Варненский университет менеджмента, Варна, Болгария.

Vishnyakova Larisa Vladimirovna, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, chief of division, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery sciences, State scientific research institute of aviation systems, Moscow.

Vorobiev Albert Anatolyevich, Dr.Sci.Tech., L.Sci.Em., Research Institute Military Academy of logistics, Saint-Petersburg.

Vorobiov Vladimir Anatolievich, Dr.Sci.Tech., Professor, Department of Programming and High-Performance Computing, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk.

Garifov Andrey Rashidovich, Head of the Simulation Department, «FirstBIT | NFP» company, Moscow.

Genkin Arkady Livovich, Dr.Sci.Tech., L.Sci.Em., Institute of Control Sciences V. A. Trapeznikov Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Grigoriev Leonid Ivanovich, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Managing chair, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow.

Deviatkov TimurVladimirovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of perspective researches of Academy of Sciences of Republic Tatarstan, Chairman of the council of young scientists and post-graduate students of AS RТ, Kazan, Republic Tatarstan.

Dolmatov Mikhail Anatolievich, chief specialist of modeling department, Digital transformation center, head of Virtual Research Center, Joint-Stock Corporation «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center» (JSC «SSTC»), Saint-Petersburg.

Eremin Valery Mihajlovich, Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer, professor, Moscow state industrial university, Moscow.

Zadorozhnyi V.N., Dr.Sci.Tech., senior lecturer, professor, managing research laboratory «Simulation, the system analysis and IT», Omsk State Technical University, Chair «Automated systems of processing of the information and management», Omsk.

Zakharov Valery Vyacheslavovich, Cand.Sci.Eng, Federal State Institution of Science Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Center of the RAS, Saint-Petersburg.

Zakhodyakin Gleb Viktorovich, Senior Lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Higher School of Business, Moscow.

Иванов Петр Мацович, д.т.н., профессор, председатель ФГБУ науки Кабардино-Балкарского научного центра РАН, директор ФГБУ науки Института информатики и проблем регионального управления КБНЦ РАН, Нальчик. Заслуженный деятель науки РФ. Лауреат премии Совета Министров СССР.

Ivashkin Yuri Alekseevitch, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, honorable worker of High School of Russian Federation, Professor of the Chair «Computer Technologies and Systems» of the Moscow State University of Food Production (the former name  Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology); Professor of the Chair «Infocommunication Systems and Nets» of the Moscow physic technical institute (State university) ; Academician of International Academy of informatization and International Academy of System Researches; the member of Russian Association of Artificial Intellect.
Sphere of Scientific interests: System Analysis, Theory of taking decisions; Structural-parametrical and multiagencial imitation moderlizing; Agent technologies and systems.
Results of Scientific Work are connected with treatment of intellectual technologies of identification and forecasting of conditions of great systems in difficult situations; creating computer expert system of adequate man’s nutrition; treatment and realization multiagent models in the universal imitation system Simplex3.

Karpov Yuri Glebovich, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Managing chair «Distributed calculations and computer networks», St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbSPU), Saint-Petersburg.

Кислицын Евгений Витальевич, к.э.н., и.о. заведующего кафедрой информационных технологий и статистики, ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный экономический университет», председатель Совета молодых ученых, Екатеринбург.

Kolesov Yuri Borisovich, leading expert, Dr.Sci.Tech., Court of Auditors of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Kondratiev Mikhail Alexandrovich, senior scientific employee, Cand.Tech.Sci., St.-Petersburg branch National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Saint-Petersburg.

Kofnov Oleg Vladimirovich, PhD (Candidate of Sciences), Department of Information Technology, Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Saint-Petersburg.

Kroupsky Alexander Yilievich, Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer, Institute of the government, the right and innovative technologies, Moscow.

Кудаев Валерий Черимович, к.ф.-м.н., ФГБУ науки Институт информатики и проблем регионального управления КБНЦ РАН, заместитель директора по научной работе, Нальчик.

Lychkina Nataliya Nikolaevna, Cand. Econ. Sci., The senior lecturer, National Research University «Higher School of Economics», The co-chairman of the system dynamics section of NP "NSS", The co-chairman of the Moscow professional community of simulation, Moscow.

Malikov Ramile Farukovich, Doc. Fiz.-Mat. Sci., professor, Managing chair of information and polygraphic systems and technologies, Bashkir State polytechnical university of a name of M. Akmully, honourable worker RPE the Russian Federation, Ufa.

Malyhanov Andrey Anatolievich, Ph.D., The adviser on simulation, «Amalgama Company» founder, Ulyanovsk.

Morozova Ulia Alexandrovna, The senior teacher, State university of management, Moscow.

Нагоев Залимхан Вячеславович, к.т.н., ФГБУ науки Институт информатики и проблем регионального управления КБНЦ РАН, Нальчик.

Okolnishnikov Victor Vasilievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading scientific employee, Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies (FRC ICT), Novosibirsk.

Plotnikov Alexander Mikhailovich, engineer, head of modeling department, Digital transformation center, Joint-Stock Corporation «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center» (JSC «SSTC»), Saint-Petersburg.

Рачкова Анжела Валериевна, начальник бригады суперкомпьютерного сотрудничества, Научно-исследовательский Центр суперкомпьютерных технологий, ПАО «Компания «Сухой», Москва.

Rydenko Vladimir Victorovich, businessman, Nizhniy Novgorod region, Sarov.

Ryzhikov Yuri Ivanovich, leading scientific employee, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS), Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg.

Rytikov Sergey Alexandrovich, Cand.Sci.Econ., Head of Information Support Department, Kvaysser Pharma LLC, Moscow.

Sedljarov Oleg Ivanovich, Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer, Moscow state university of design and technology, Moscow.

Senichenkov Yuri Borisovich, Mvstudium Group, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Saint-Petersburg

Serova Elena, PhD in Economics, associate professor St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Saint-Petersburg.

Sokolov Boris Vladimirovich, head of department Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS SPC RAS), Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Saint-Petersburg.

Sorokin David Ernestovich, the leading programmer, company «Aedsoft», Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El

Timchenko Viacheslav Sergeevich, The expert in transport transportations, ООО «РТС», member of the St. Petersburg Union of scientists, Saint-Petersburg.

Topazh Alexander Grigorievich, Dr.Sci.Tech., Deputy General Director for science, LLC «Bureau Hyperborea», Saint-Petersburg.

Trofimov Valery Vladimirovich, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, The honoured worker of a science of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Managing computer science chair, Saint-Petersburg.

Trub I.I., Cand. Tech. Sci., The senior lecturer, IT holding «Armada», the leading engineer-programmer. Moscow.

Faraonov Alexander Vasilievich, laboratory chief of logistics, University of civil aircraft, Saint-Petersburg.

Filyaev Michael Petrovich, Dr.Sci.Tech., Sen.Sci.Em., Research Institute Military Academy of logistics, Saint-Petersburg.

Filyak Petr Yu., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar..

Homonenko Anatoly Dmitrievich, Managing chair information and computing systems, St. Petersburg State university of means of communication, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Saint-Petersburg.

Chertovskoy Vladimir Dmitrievich, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, State university of water communications, Chair «Computing systems and computer science», Saint-Petersburg.

Shornikov Yury Vladimirovich, Dr.Sci.Tech., senior lecturer, professor, Chair of the automated control systems, Novosibirsk state technical university, Novosibirsk.

Yusupov Rafael Midhatovich, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Scientific Leader of St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS SPC RAS), Saint-Petersburg.

Yakovlev Sergey A. , Dr.Sci.Tech., professor, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Honored worker of higher school of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg.

Яркова Ольга Николаевна, к.э.н., доцент, ФГБОУ ВО «Оренбургский государственный университет», Оренбург.

Vlasov Stanislav Alexandrovich [ 1942 – 04.09.2014 ], leading scientific employee, Institute of problems of management of V.A.Trapeznikov of Russian Academy of Sciences, Cand.Tech.Sci., Chief of department nano-technologies and information technologies – assistant to the academician-secretary of Branch nano-technologies and IT of Russian Academy of Sciences on scientifically-organizational work, Moscow.

Emelyanov Alexander Anatolyevich [ 10.06.1947 – 20.09.2020 ], Doctor of Economics, professor, pro-rector of the Moscow financial and industrial academy, Head of the Department of Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics, Moscow financial and industrial academy, Moscow.

Kobelev Nikolay Borisovich, professor, Doctor of Economics, All-Russia correspondence financial and economic institute, Moscow.

Тимофеев Адиль Васильевич [ 17.08.1944 – 06.05.2014 ], д.т.н., профессор, заслуженный деятель РФ, Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Санкт-Петербургский институт информатики и автоматизации Российской Академии наук (СПИИРАН), Санкт-Петербург.
