Tenth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on simulation and its application in science and industry «Simulation. Theory and Practice» (IMMOD-2021)

 | Tenth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on simulation and its application in science and industry «Simulation. Theory and Practice» (IMMOD-2021) was held in St. Petersburg, on October 20-22, 2021. The conference venue is the M. Gorky House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Dvortsovaya emb., 26).
The purpose of the Conference is to disseminate methods and means of simulation for solving scientific and practical problems, enhancing creative activity and strengthening the scientific and production potential of the Russian Federation.
One of the main goals of Conference is development and consolidation of theory, methodology and technology of simulation modeling, as well as experience exchange and discussion of researches results and practical application of simulation in industry, logistics and other branches of economics, review of newest equipment for automation and visualization of simulation, sharing experience in simulation theoretical and practical training.
Organizers and founders of conference: - Noncommercial Partnership «National Simulation Society», Saint-Petersburg; - Joint-Stock Corporation «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center», Saint-Petersburg; - St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS SPC RAS), Saint-Petersburg.
Information support: Scientific schedule of conference included thematic areas as follows: - Theoretical basis and methodology of simulation researches and complex modeling; - Procedures for evaluation of adequacy and quality of models, polimodel complexes, methods and systems of distributed modeling; - Modeling of global processes and systems; - Multipurpose and specialized equipment for automation and visualization of simulation researches and complex modeling; - System dynamics (availability of simulation component in established or used simulative – algorithmic development is mandatory); - Practical application of simulation and modeling automation equipment, carrying out of simulation expertise; - Simulation and complex modeling in training and education.
General sponsor of the conference: The AnyLogic Company, St. Petersburg.
Official sponsor of the conference: Amalgamа LLC, Ulyanovsk.
Within the framework of the conference, another award was given to young scientists nominated for the youth prize named after N.P. Buslenko, established by the NP "NSS".
Organizing committee (pdf)
Program committee (pdf)
Program (pdf)
Texts of reports
Press release (pdf)
Лауреаты молодежной премии им. Н.П. Бусленко - 2021 год (pdf)
Фотоотчет с вручения молодежной премии им. Н.П. Бусленко - 2021 год |