4th International scientifically-practical conference «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» (SCM MEMTS-2017)
 | 4th International scientifically-practical conference «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» (SCM MEMTS-2017) will be carried out in Saint-Petersburg (Russia) on Juny, 28 2017. Conference will be carried within the frames of «International Maritime Defense Show 2017» (www.navalshow.ru).
The conference subjects are focused on following areas of sea subjects where modern technologies of simulation and complex modelling of systems are used: - designing, building and operation of courts and the sea technics; - designing, manufacturing and operation of means of equipment and arms of sea technics; - sea transport systems, a sea cargo transportation, logistics; - ship-building manufactures and port economy.
Organizers and founders of conference: - Joint-Stock Corporation «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center», Saint-Petersburg; - St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg; - Noncommercial Partnership «National Simulation Society», Saint-Petersburg.
Сonference venue – Lenexpo Exhibition Complex, Bolshoy prospect, Vasiljevsky Island, 103, Hall 7, Congress Hall 7.2.
Exhibition map
Organisation committee (pdf)
Program of conference (pdf)
Тексты докладов, представленных на конференции, размещены в разделе статей за 2017 год
Press release (pdf)
Conference photos |