Articles 1985-1989

Osman Balci A review of «Dynamic models and discrete event simulation@ // ACM Computing Reviews 30, 11 (Nov.), 1989. P. 566.

Osman Balci A review of «Structures of discrete event simulation: an introduction to the engagement strategy» // ACM Computing Reviews 30, 7 (July) 1989, pp. 350-351.

Osman Balci How to Assess the Acceptability and Credibility of Simulation Results.

Balmer D., Goodman D., Doukidis G. Integrating expert systems and simulation for decisions support // Knowledge-Based Management Systems / Eds. G.I. Doukidis, L. Frank, G.I. Miller. John Wiley and Sons, 1989. P. 134-160.

E. Joseph Derrick, Osman Balci, and Richard E. Nance A Comparison of Selected Conceptual Frameworks for Simulation Modeling.

Dupuy A., Schwartz J., Yemini Y. Nest; a network simulation & prototyping testbed // Proceedings of the 1989 Winter Simulation Conference E.A. MacNair, K.J. Musselman, P. Heidelberger (eds.). P.1058-1064.
This paper describes Nest, a graphical environment for distributed networked systems simulation and rapid-prototyping. Nest users can develop and test distributed systems and protocols (from crude models to actual system code) within simulated network scenarios. Nest represents an environment-based approach to simulation.

Fujimoto R.M. Parallel discrete event simulation // Processing of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1989, p. 19-28.

Kalashnikov V.V. Analytical and Simulation Estimates of Reliability for Regenerative Models // System Analysis. Modelling. Simulation, vol. 6, no. 11/12, pp. 833-851.

Kelton W.D. 1989. Random initialization methods in simulation. IIE Transactions 21:355–367.

Ketcham M., John. S.A. A knowledge-based planning and diagnostics module for a simulation environment // Proc. of the 1989 Summer Computer Simulation Conference / Ed. J.K. Clema. SCS, 1989. P. 590-595.

O'Keefe R.M. The role of Artificial Intelligence in Discrete-event Simulation // Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Modelling / Eds. L. Widman, K.A. Loparo, N.R. Nielsen. John Wiley and Sons, 1989. P. 359-380.

Murata Т. Petri nets: Properties, Analysis and Applications // Proceedings of the IEEE. - April, 1989. vol.77, No.44. P. 541-580.

Reiman, M.I., and A. Weiss. 1989. Sensitivity analysis for simulations via likelihood ratios. Operations Research 37:830–844.

Russel J. A knowledge based assistant for a flight simulator instructor // Proc. of the 1989 Summer Computer Simulation Conference / Ed. J.K. Clema. SCS, 1989. P. 606-612.

Девятков В.В., Якимов И.М., Трегубов В.М. Пакет имитационного моделирования дискретных систем на Фортране // Вычислительная техника социалистических стран: сборник статей. – М.: Финансы и статистика, 1989. – Выпуск 25. – С. 116-122.

Мурата Т. Сети Петри: Свойства, анализ, приложения // ТИИЭР. 1989. № 77. С. 41-85.

Ослин Б.Г. Концептуальная модель процесса функционирования сетей связи с коммутацией пакетов // Техника средств связи. Серия СС. – 1989. – Вып. 7. – С. 26-33.

Райтер Р., Вальран Ж. Распределенное имитационное моделирование дискретно-событийных систем // М.: Мир, ТИИЭР, 1989. – т. 77, №1. – С. 245-262.
Osman Balci The Implementation of Four Conceptual Frameworks for Simulation Modeling in High-Level Languages.

Banks J., D. Gerstein and S.P. Searles. 1988. Modeling processes, validation, and verification of complex simulations: A survey, Methodology and Validation,Simulation Series, Vol. 19, No. 1, The Society for Computer Simulation, pp.13–18.

Fujimoto R.M. Lookahead in parallel discrete event simulation // Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1988, p.34-41.

Funke J. Using simulation to study complex problem solving // Simulation & Games. 1988. 19 (3). P. 277-303.

Heidelberger P. 1988. Discrete-event simulation and parallel replications: statistical properties. Scientific and Statistical Computing (9):1114-1132.

Larkin T.S., Carruthers R.I., Soper R.S. Simulation and object oriented programming: the development of SERB // Simulation. 1988. Vol. 51. P. 93-100.

Murray K.J., Sheppard S.V. Knowledge-based simulation model specification // Simulation. 1988. Vol. 50. P. 112-119.

Rao M., Jiang T.-S. Integrated simulation tutorial environment for intelligent control // Proc. of the 1988 Summer Computer Simulation Conference / Eds. C.C. Barnett, W.M. Holmes. SCS, 1988. P. 598-600.

Roth, P.F. 1988. Discrete, Continuous and Combined Simulation // In Proceedings of the 1988 Winter Simulation Conference, edited by M. Abrams, P. Haigh, and J. Comfort 56-60. Piscataway, New Jer-sey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Sargent R.G. 1988. A tutorial on validation and verification of simulation models, Proc. of 1988 Winter Simulation Conf., pp.33–39.

Schriber T.J. 1988. Perspectives on simulation using GPSS, In Proceedings of the 1988 Winter Simulation Conference, eds. M. Abrams, P. Haigh and J. Comfort, 71–84. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Wildberger A.M. Selection of tools for including expert system components in simulations // Proc. of the 1988 Summer Computer Simulation Conference / Eds. C.C. Barnett, W.M. Holmes. SCS, 1988. P. 586-590.

Антонова Г.М. Алгоритм моделирования деятельности человека оператора в АСУ ЛА // Алгоритмическое и техническое обеспечение автоматизированных систем движущимися объектами, МО, Москва, 1988, 6 c.

Бейтюк Ю.Р. Оценка характеристик и оптимизация структуры ГПС изделий микроэлектроники с использованием GPSS-модели // Технология авиационного приборо- и агрегатостроения, 1988, вып.1, С.41-45.

Меркурьева Г.В., Меркурьев Ю.А. Автоматизированное проектирование промышленных роботов на основе продукционных систем // В кн.: Методы и системы принятия решений. Вопросы создания экспертных систем. Рига: Рижский политехнический институт, 1988, С. 120-126.
Osman Balci A review of «Distributed discrete-event simulation» // ACM Computing Reviews 28, 6 (June) 1987, p. 334.

Osman Balci and Richard E. Nance Simulation Model Development Environments: A Research Prototype.

Brazier M.K., Shannon R.E. Automatic programming of AGVS simulation models // Proc. of the 1987 Winter Simulation Conference / Eds. A. Thesen, H. Grant, W.D. Kelton. SCS, 1987. P. 703-708.

Cox S.W. The interactive grafics and annimation of GPSS/PC // Proceding of IEEE, San-Franicssco, California, 1987.

Friedman L.W. Design and Analysis of Multivariate Response Simulations. The state of art // Behavioural Sciences 323. 1987. P. 138-148.

Kerchoffs E.J.H., Koppelaar H., Van den Heric H.J. Towards parallel intelligent simulation // Artificial intelligence, Simulation and Modelling / Eds. L.E. Widman, K.A. Loparo, N.R. Nielsen. John Wiley and Sons, 1987. P. 207-230.

Nielsen N.R. Applicability of AI techniques to simulation models // Simulators IY/ Ed. B.T. Fairchild. SCS, 1987. P. 121-122.

Oren T.I. Quality assurance paradigms for artificial intelligence in modeling and simulation // Simulation. 1987. Vol. 48. P. 149-151.

Reddy R. Epistemology of knowledge-based simulation // Simulation. 1987. Vol. 47. P. 162-166.

Richard E. Nance and Osman Balci Simulation Model Management Objectives and Requirements.

Schriber T.J. Introduction to GPSS/PC // Proceding of IEEE, San-Franicssco, California, 1987.

Steward D.A., Surgenor B.W. Simulation validation of an expert for process fault diagnosis // Proc. of the 1987 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. SCS, 1987. P. 663- 667.

Алиев Т.И. Характеристики дисциплин обслуживания заявок с несколькими классами приоритетов // Изв. РАН. Теория и системы управления. 1987. № 6. С. 188.
Balci О. Credibility Assessment of Simulation Results // Proceedings of the 1986 Winter Simulation Conference, 1986, p.39-44.

Baskaran V., Fox M., Sathi N., Bouer J. Simulation Craft. An expert system approach to simulation model creation // Applied Simulation and Modelling / Ed. D.O. Koval. IASTED, 1986. P. 278-281.

Beytuk, Yuri. GPSS-simulator of distributed control system in flexible manufacturing // Proc. of the XXXI JUREMA'86, 31st Annual Gathering JUREMA, First symposium on automata and robots in process automatization, 22-25 Apr. 1986, p.p.401-405.

Beytuk, Yuri. Estimation of characteristics and optimizing the structure of measuring and controlling contour for flexible technological cell on GPSS-model base // Proc. of Int. Conf. IMEKO'86 "Intelligence measurement", Jena, 10-14 Jun., 1986, p.p.287-293.

Carson, J.S. 1986. Convincing users of model’s validity is challenging aspect of modeler’s job. Industrial Engineering 18: 74-85.

Friedman L.W. The Analysis of Multiple Response Simulation Output Data: Experiments of Comparison // Computers & Operations Research. 1986. Vol. 13. P. 647-652.

Kerchoffs E.J.H., Vansteenkiste G.C. The impact of advanced information processing on simulation An illustrative review // Simulation. 1986. Vol. 46. P. 17-26.

O'Keefe R.M. Advisory systems in Simulation // AI Applied to Simulation. Proc. of the European Conference at University of Ghent /Eds. E.J.H. Kerckhoffs, G.C. Vansteenkiste, B.P. Zeigler. SCS, 1986. P. 73-78.

Sargent R.G. 1986. The use of graphic models in model validation, Proc. of the 1986 Winter Simulation Conf., Washington, D.C., pp.237–241.

Shannon R.E. Intelligent simulation environment // Intelligent Simulation Environment / Eds. P.A. Luker, H.H. Adelsberger. SCS, 1986. P. 150-156.

Бейтюк Ю.Р. Использование средств имитационного моделирования при автоматизированном проектировании ГПС // Приборы и системы управления, 1986, №4, С.1-4.

Критский Д.Р., Ковальчук С.И. Имитационное моделирование устройств автоматической смены инструментов // Станки и инструменты. 1986. № 5. С. 14-16.
Abed, S., T. Barta and K. McRoberts. 1985. A quantitative comparison of three simulation languages: GPSS/H, SLAM, SIMSCRIPT. Comput. Ind. Eng., 9, pp. 45-66.

Osman Balci and Richard E. Nance Formulated Problem Verification as an Explicit Requirement of Model Credibility.

Cleary J., Goh K., Unger B. Discrete event simulation in Prolog // AI, Graphics and Simulation /Ed. G. Birtwistle. SCS, 1985. P. 8-13.

Cox S.W. Cox A.J. GPSS/PC: A user oriented simulation system // Modeling and simulation on microcomputers (R.G. Lavery ed.), The society for Computers simulation, San-Diego, California, 1985.

Forrester J.W. Economic conditions ahead: understanding the Kondratieff wave // Futurist. 1985. Vol. 19, No. 3. P. 16-20.

Futo I. Combined discrete/continuous modeling and problem solving // AI, Graphics and Simulation /Ed. G. Birtwistle. SCS, 1985. P. 23-28.

Futo I. The modified Time Warp Algorithm of CS-Prolog // Proc. of the European Simulation Multiconference / Ed. B. Schmidt. SCS, 1985. P. 225-229.

Jefferson D.R. Virtual time // ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,Volume 7, № 3, 1985, p. 404-425.

O'Reilly, J., M. Sale, and D. Martin. 1985. The Use of Continuous/Discrete Event Models in Manufacturing // In Proceedings of the 1985 Winter Simulation Conference, edited by D. Gantz, G. Blais, S. Solomon 308-313. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Reddy Y.V., Fox M.S., Husain N. Automating the analysis of simulations in KBS // AIr Graphics and Simulation/Ed. G. Birtwistle. SCS, 1985. P. 34-41.

Reilly K.D., Jones W.T., Dey P. The simulation environment concept artificial intelligence perspectives // Artificial intelligence and Simulation / Ed. W.M. Holmes. SCS, 1985. P. 29-35.

Sargent R.G. 1985. An expository on verification and validation of simulation models, Proc. of the 1985 Winter Simulation Conf., pp.15-22.

Uttamsingh R. J., Leaning M. S., Bushman J. A. et al. Mathematical model of the human renal system // Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 1985. V. 23. P. 525-535.

Калашников В.В., Лутков В.И. Структура внешнего программного обеспечения агрегативной имитационной системы. Теория сложных систем и методы их моделирования, ВНИИСИ, стр. 88-93.

Калашников В.В. Направленные имитационные эксперименты // Электронная техника, сер. 9, Экономика и системы управления, № 1 (54), стр. 50-53.

Руднев В.В. К вопросу об описании конвейерных процессов сетями Петри // Автоматика и телемеханика. 1985. № 8. С. 115–121.
