Fifth international scientific-practical conference «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» (SCM MEMTS-2019)

Fifth international scientific-practical conference «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» (SCM MEMTS-2019) be carried out in Saint-Petersburg (Russia) on July, 10th. Conference will be carried within the frames of International Maritime Defense Show 2019 (

The scope of conference covers the following areas where modern technologies of simulation and complex modeling of systems are used:
- designing, building and operation of courts and the sea technics;
- shiprepairing & marine equipment updating;
- designing, manufacturing and operation of means of equipment and arms of sea technics;
- fleet supply and service, logistics infrastructure;
- sea transport systems, a sea cargo transportation, logistics;
- arctic shelf development;
- ship-building and ship-repair manufactures, port economy.

Organizers and founders of conference:
- Joint-Stock Corporation «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center», Saint-Petersburg;
- St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg;
- Noncommercial Partnership «National Simulation Society», Saint-Petersburg.

Ñonference venue – Lenexpo Exhibition Complex, Bolshoy prospect, Vasiljevsky Island, 103


Organisation committee (pdf)

Program (pdf)

Material of conference

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Press-release (pdf)
