Terms of service
1. About Terms of service

The real Terms of service comes into force after an entrance of the User on a resource and all the time of use works with the User of a resource.

Terms of service can be changed by Administration without any notification of Users.

The new version of Terms of service comes into force after 3 (three) days from the moment of its placement if other isn't provided by new edition of Terms of service.

The most actual version of Terms of service always is on the page to the address http://simulation.su/static/en-agreement.html.

2. Conditions of restriction of responsibility

The user directly agrees that uses a resource on own risk.

The contents and safety of materials placed on a resource can't be completely checked by Resource Administration therefore the last doesn't bear responsibility:

• for the maintenance of the materials received by the User as a result of use of a resource, their possible discrepancy to the current legislation or offensive character;

• for consequences of application, use or non-use of received information;

• for possible discrepancy of the results received at use of a resource, to expectations of the User;

• for any damages of the equipment or the software of the User, resulted resource use;

• for lack of possibility of use of a resource for any reasons;

• for consequences which distribution of illegal or counterfeit materials, and also other products and information can entail, the third parties mentioning the right.

Under no circumstances the resource doesn't bear before the User, or the third parties of damage liability, losses or the expenses which have arisen in connection with the real resource, its use or impossibility of use, including the missed or half-received profit.

The user undertakes not to report another persons the personal information obtained at registration (login and the password) for an entrance to a forum of a resource and bears full responsibility for loss, loss, disappearance or transfer by different ways of personal information, and also for consequences connected with this act.

The administration of a resource doesn't bear responsibility for actions of the third parties who have used personal information of the User.

The administration of a resource doesn't incur any obligations on ensuring confidentiality concerning information provided to his Users though takes all possible measures to it.

Duties of the Resource don't include control of legality or illegality of the transmitted data (any, including, but without being limited, information internal transfer transferred between Users in the form of various links, texts or images), definition of the property rights or legality of transfer, reception or use of this information.

The user agrees that any materials provided by it for placement on a resource in open access, can be used by a resource at discretion without payment to the User of any remuneration.

The user agrees that his contact information specified in the course of registration and/or in a profile, can be used by the Resource for sending office messages including registration confirmation, recovery of the password, results of a moderation, the notification of the User about comments of other users and so forth.

3. Restrictions on Resource use by the User

When using this Resource, the User has no right, and agrees with it:

• to place or provide for placement on a resource the files containing viruses or other computer programs of obviously harmful action, files or the programs intended for violation, destruction or restriction of functionality of any computer or telecommunication equipment or programs, for implementation of unauthorized access, and also serial numbers to commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for receiving unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, and also to place references to the above information;

• to place or provide files of any messages, data or the programs which use mentions any patent, a trademark, a trade secret, a copyright or the other property rights and/or the rights of the third parties author's and adjacent to it for placement;

• to place or provide the files which contents contradicts the current legislation of the Russian Federation for placement;

• to place or provide extremist materials and the files which contents is directed on kindling of international discord for placement;

• to send to the e-mail addresses specified on a resource, unauthorized post messages of advertizing type (junk mail, spam);

• to copy and use for commercial purposes any information received by means of this resource, violating the rights of other Users or capable to cause them direct material or moral damage;

• to give out itself for other person or for the representative of the organization and/or community without sufficient on that it is right, including for the staff of Administration of a resource or the owner of a resource.

The user agrees not to reproduce, not to repeat and not to copy, not to sell and not to resell, and also not to use for any commercial purposes any parts of a resource, except those cases when such permission is given to the User by resource Administration.

The administration of a resource doesn't bear any responsibility under any contracts between the User and the third parties.

The user has the right to refuse use of services of a resource at any time. Thus data of the User will be removed, access to services will be blocked, and the user name will be free right after its removal.

The user agrees that the Administration of a resource reserves the right to stop account service at a forum of a resource which the User didn't use within 6 (six) months.

Thus information of the User is destroyed, and registration of the User is cancelled.

4. Working capacity guarantees

Access to a resource are provided by the principle "as there is" ("as is") without guarantees of any sort, both direct, and indirect.

In particular, the Administration of a resource doesn't guarantee working capacity as resource and its separate sections, and working capacity and reliability of the references placed on it (including. Users).

The resource doesn't bear responsibility for any straight or indirect losses which have occurred because of: use or impossibility of use of service; unauthorized access to communications of the User.

5. Rights of Administration of a resource

The administration of a resource has the right to refuse access to a resource to any User, or group of Users without explanation of the actions and the prior notice.

The administration of a resource has the right to reject, change, delete or block laid out or provided by Users for placement on a resource information, files and other data, without the prior notice and an explanation of the reasons of the actions.

6. Responsibility of the parties

The user agrees that all possible disputes concerning this agreement will be resolved on norms of the Russian right.

The user agrees that all possible disputes concerning his activity on a resource will be resolved also on norms of the Russian right.

The user agrees that norms and laws on protection of the rights of consumers can't be applicable to use of a resource by him as it doesn't render paid services.

The resource doesn't establish with users the agency relations, the relations of association, the relations on joint activity, the relations of personal hiring, and also any other relations which directly haven't been described in terms of service.

Inaction from Resource Administration in case of violation by the user, or group of Users of terms of service doesn't mean that the Administration of a resource assists the User, or group of Users in those actions.

7. Processing of personal information

The user confirms the consent to processing by Administration of a resource of its personal information provided at registration, and also placed by the User voluntary on the personal page.

Processing of personal information of the User is carried out according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The administration of a resource processes personal information of the User for granting to the User of services, including, for receiving by the User of the personalized (targeted) advertizing; checks, research and the analysis of such data, allowing to support and improve services and resource sections, and also to develop new services and resource sections.

The administration of a resource takes all necessary measures for protection of personal information of the User against illegal access, change, disclosure or destruction.

The administration of a resource provides access to personal information of the User to only those workers, contractors and agents of Administration of a resource for whom this information is necessary for ensuring functioning of a resource and providing any services to the User.

The administration of a resource has the right to use information provided by the User, including personal information, for ensuring observance of requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including for the prevention and/or suppression of illegal and/or illegal actions of Users).

Disclosure of information provided by the User can be made according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation on request of court, law enforcement agencies, and is equal in others cases provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8 . Consent with Terms of service

If the User of a resource doesn't agree with all above conditions, it has no right to visit a resource as as a whole, and any its part, except the page with Terms of service, to receive and/or use contents of the real resource in any other ways as as a whole and in any its part.