Automated system «Sirius»
System name

Application for automated generation of simulation models, storage of the same and for performance of experimental surveys (AS «Sirius»).


Dolmatov M.A., Plotnikov A.M., JSC «SSTC», St.-Petersburg, Russia.

Deviatkov V.V., Deviatkov T.V., Nifantiev E.A., Fedotov M.V., «Elina-Computer» Ltd, Kazan, Russia.

Sokolov B.V., Pavlov A.N., Paschenko À.Å., Potrysaev S.A., SPIIRAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia.

Contact information


Official developer site

Area (s) of application system

System of modelling of industrial and technological processes of functioning of the ship-building enterprises.

Supported types of modeling

The supported types (technology) modeling – discrete-event.

Scientific-technical description

Automated system Sirius (AS Sirius) is purposed for carrying out complete cycle of simulation surveys of shipyards functioning processes. Simulation survey includes initial data input, simulation models generation, performance and carrying out experimental surveys, preparation reporting documentation on experimental surveys results in Microsoft Word format.

To run generated simulation model external (pluggable) industrial simulator GPSS World (commercial license) is used.

Use of AS allows:
– To define whether production program of yard can be accomplished with set parameters of production system and construction technology;
– To define duration of main vessel’s construction stages and comparison of the same with new scheduled dates of construction;
–To detect yard production system’s bottlenecks;
–To define manufacturing facility’s workload indexes (workload of technological, crane and transportation equipment, sections, shops, building berths) when accomplishing production program;
–To assess consequences of temporary de-commissioning of separate facilities, included in scope of simulation model (equipment/section/shop);
–To assess efficiency of setting into work of separate facilities, included in scope of simulation model (equipment/section/shop);
–To make up production schedules: delivery of sheet and profiled steel from steel store (steel launch), delivery of equipment from mechanical facility, delivery of pipes from pipe processing facility.

Composition of initial data of AS «Sirius», required for simulation modeling:
– Yard production program;
– Yard plan, including layout diagram, layouts and specifications of shops, sections and composition of their equipment;
– Description and specifications of vessels under construction;
– Split of vessels into assembly units (hull, blocks, sections, assemblies) and large-scaled assembly-installation units, vessel shaping tree;
– Data on binding of assembly and assembly-installation units to construction areas;
– Principal production technologies as applied to main production branches;
– Description and specifications of used crane, transport and technological equipment;
– Equipment maintenance schedule;
– Yard operation schedule, including shift-work (plant-schedule) of yard and its separate facilities;
– External deliveries schedule of assembly and assembly-installation units;
– Labour intensity of works and transport operations.

Development stage (implementation) of the system

Industrial product (2016 year).

System status

The software product is focused on commercial operation with the limited possibilities of commercial distribution in the market.

Hardware and software requirements

The program complex functions in the network environment.

Operating system Microsoft Windows XP (32 or 64 bits) and above with preestablished components Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 and Framework 4.

Database – Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Use of a program complex assumes presence of the licence of simulator GPSS World.

Organization (enterprise, company, group of specialists) the product developer

JSC «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center» (JSC «SSTC»), St.-Petersburg.

Heads and curators of the project: Plotnikov A.M. (JSC «SSTC»), Deviatkov V.V. («Elina-Computer» Ltd), Sokolov B.V. (SPIIRAS).

The total quantity of involved participants of the project – 14.

Educational system version

Educational versions of system are not delivered. Delivery time (limited in time) system licences – on contractual conditions.

Technical support and training

Technical support – on contractual conditions.

The centre of support of system – JSC «Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center», St.-Petersburg.

Training possibilities – trainings, resident instruction forms.

Training in territory of the developer of system and in territory of the user is possible.

System price

Cost contractual.

Legal protection of the intellectual property object

The certificate ¹ 2016610247 about the state registration of the computer program from 01.11.2016: Application for automated generation of simulation models, storage of the same and for performance of experimental surveys (AS «Sirius»). It is given out by Federal Agency of intellectual property, patents and trade marks.

Market review (introduction)

The system is focused on use in shipbuilding. The basic groups of consumers (target audience) – designers of ship-building manufactures, technological services of the ship-building enterprises, the branch centres and the design organisations.


There is a complete set of the operational documentation, including on-line the documentation.

Language support

Supported languages – Russian.

Useful links

Site: (menu Projects – Shipbuilding).


[1] Dolmatov M.A., Plotnikov A.M., Sokolov B.V., Paschenko À.Å., Potrysaev S.A., Deviatkov T.V., Fedotov M.V., Nifantiev E.A. Experience and prospects of working out of the software of the decision of problems of an estimation and the analysis of feasibility of production plans of the ship-building and ship-repair enterprises / Conference materials «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» – SCM MEMTS 2015 // ISBN 978-5-902241-28-7 // JSC «SSTC», St.-Petersburg, 2015, p. 80-87.
[2] Sokolov B.V., Pavlov A.N., Ivanov D.A., Pavlov D.A., Pavlov À.À. Multicriterion approach to estimating the effective implementation of the production plans shipbuilding enterprises / Conference materials «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» – SCM MEMTS 2015 // ISBN 978-5-902241-28-7 // JSC «SSTC», St.-Petersburg, 2015, p. 130-136.
[3] Sokolov B.V., Pavlov A.N., Ivanov D.A., Pavlov D.A., Pavlov À.À., Saluhov V.I. Structural and functional analysis intensive use of elements and subsystems product lines shipbuilding enterprises. / Conference materials «Simulation and complex modelling in marine engineering and marine transporting systems» – SCM MEMTS 2015 // ISBN 978-5-902241-28-7 // JSC «SSTC», St.-Petersburg, 2015, p. 137-142.
[4] Dolmatov M.A., Plotnikov A.M., Fedotov M.V., Nifattiev E.A. Experience of development of the specialized software for the solution of problems of simulation of functioning of industrial complexes and the assessment of feasibility of perspective production programs of the enterprises of ship-building branch on the basis of universal system of simulation of GPSS World // VII All-Russia scientific-practical conference on simulation modeling and its application in science and the industry «Simulation modeling. The theory and practice» (SIMMOD-2015): Conference works, 21-23 oct. 2015, Moscow: in 2 volumes / Institute of Control Sciences name V.A. Trapeznikov RAS. – Vol. 1. – Ì.: ICS RAS, 2015. ISBN 978-5-91450-172-0. P.208-213.
[5] Oxtilev Ì.Y., Pavlov A.N., Plotnikov A.M., Potrysaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.Ì. Complex modelling of difficult objects: the basic features and examples of practical realisation // VII All-Russia scientific-practical conference on simulation modeling and its application in science and the industry «Simulation modeling. The theory and practice» (SIMMOD-2015): Conference works, 21-23 oct. 2015, Moscow: in 2 volumes / Institute of Control Sciences name V.A. Trapeznikov RAS. – Vol. 1. Plenary reports – Ì.: ICS RAS, 2015. ISBN 978-5-91450-172-0. P.58-81.
Publications are accessible on a site

The publication on a site 25.02.2016.